what is the smallest tank size you can use for a saltwater tank?

mr . salty

Active Member
That really depends on what you are planning on putting in it.If fish are envolved at all,Then nothing smaller that a 10 gallon would be reccomended.This is mainly because of the strain on the bio system that even one fish will cause.This strain on the system causes poor water quality in small systems.The food that you use to feed the fish will also quickly/easily pollute a small setup.....If live coral,and a few inverts are more to your liking,then I have seen sucessfull REEF tanks as small as six gallons.This can be done because live coral,and inverts have little to no affect on the bio sytem.


i was on that nano site before they changed some of their pics they did have a 3/4 gall nano that was pretty cool but probably hard to maintain


we have a 3 gallon right now... It has a sea horse with a few small live rocks w/ a couple of small coral bits its been up for a while now. It does take some close attention but nothing major really.


In my opinion, no smaller than a 20. It really restricts what you can put in a tank if you go smaller then that. Not to mention if a disease enters you tank it will spread like wildfire.
Just my 2 cents.


It's also something probably better not attempted by a newbie. I don't know if you are one or not, just thought I'd mention it. The smaller the tank the easier it is to crash it, IMO.


nolofinwe, if you have LR and LS you don't need additional filtration. I have a protein skimmer that was included with my nano, but I use it more for water circulation then for skimming gunk outta the water. That and 10% weekly water changes are all I do.