What is this and whats wrong with it???


New Member
I had acquired this salt tank with soft corals. I thought these were leathers but i am not sure. Can anyone else id them? They are creamy pink and even a bluish purple tone. They are brown at the bottom and that park looks dead like-reminds me of a slugs trail. Is this from moving around? Or is there something wrong with them? They don't seem very peppy and there are little nubs on the fingers and nothing else. Appreciate any help!


New Member
Thanks for the tip and hopefully, here are some pics!


Active Member
I'd say Colt Coral (Cladiella sp.) AKA soft fingered leather.
The "trail" you mention is the foot of the coral. It is moving. Looks like it is trying to get closer to the light.
Water parameters? (Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, PH, SG/salinity, etc.)
What lighting do you have?
Are you doing water changes?
Pick up the book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner.