What is this disease? (beth?anyone?)


I thought I had an outbreak of Ich in the 55 g FOWLR this past week. I have a royal gramma and 2 per clowns. I have been treating with Kick Ich until I can get my QT tank set up. Well, this am I found my shrimp dining on my Royal Gramma.
He did not have the "salt" type sprinkles on him. He had more of these white discoloration blotches on his body. His lungs were puffed out also. :thinking: My clowns seem ok but I don't know if they are just responding to the Kick Ich.
They were diving down and rubbing their faces on the bottom of the sand but have since stopped with this last treatment of Kick Ich. Is this Ich or something else?
:notsure: :thinking:


Now one of my clowns is acting really "spasy" and is mouth breathing. :help: He is not looking good at all!! I don't have my qt tank set up yet
Is there anything I can do for him or do I have to watch him die?


Active Member
White patches or coating-sounds like it could be marine velvet.Esecially with breathing issues. Do a search ,look to see if thats what it looked like.Marine velvet in the beginning has similar syptoms of ick but kills a fish far quicker.It can kill a fish in 48 hours left untreated.


Active Member
Yes, that does sound like it could be velvet. Also look at brooklynella. Tell us which of those it looks like.


Well I looked at the pic of the brooklynella but my fish are either not that far along or it is not that...The clowns seem to be ok appearance wise. I thought my one clown had some white spots on him but now I don't see any. I am currently treating the tank with Kick Ich so I don't know if that has something to do with it. They are not eating like they normally do but they are still eating a little. They are breathing from their mouths (almost like a dog would pant). I can't find pics of marine velvet and have no idea what that is or how to treat it. Sorry but I am a newbie and this is my first parasite outbreak UGH! I just installed 2 new Maxijet 1200 poweheads and they have been shifting the sand this way and that. I don't know if that has something to do with it?
I tested the water yesterday and everything is still normal....
When I discovered my gramma this morning it looks like his lungs were swollen? He has what looked like a brooklynella type discoloration on his body and his lungs were buldging out from his sides. His mouth was also open very wide.
Sorry for the mental picture but I have to describe so maybe you can help me figure out what this is?


Active Member
This is taken from a very good and favorite book of mine-Fish infected with marine velevet will express their discomfort by scaping their bodies against the rock work and substrate.Other obviuos signs of infection include pale coloration, excessive body slime production and increased respiration.If not treated in a timely manner, velvet can cause the death of the infected specimen in short order.saltwater ich is virtually indentical to marine velvet when it comes to the life cycle of the associated protozoan. The physical symptoms of the disease are also very similar.The only difference is saltwater ich is characterized by larger white spots instead of a dust like coating.
Now the coating that you saw on the gramma might have been excessive slime coat or it could have been velvet.The only way to rid the tank completely is hypo but if you have LR or inverts you cant do this .So you will need a Qt tank to put the fish in hypo and keep your main tank free of fish (or hosts) for at least 3-4 weeks .After this the parasities will die off without a host and you can safely return the fish to the tank.You can try medications.Some people have had a little luck with them.IMO ,they dont work and are a waste of time and money.Hope this helps.


My refractometer shipped today Priority mail. Do you think they can make it until it arrives? I can't hypo without it,.....


Active Member
And since you didnt understand the velevt diease-I thought this explains it well in short order-With marine velvet, tiny parasitic protozoa attach themselves via a root-like structure to the body ,fins, and gills of a host fish and live off its tissues.To the

eye, the parasites look like fine white to gold colored dust.Once they reach maturity, they detach and settle to the bottom of the aquarium,where they form cycsts.Inside each cycst, cell divivsion starts to take place, producing over 200 spores(called dinospores).Eventually, the cysts rupture, freeing the dinospores, which then swim off in search of a host fish.
This is why when you use meds like kick ick- you think they might be working cause the fish losses his spots but in realtiy ,it is just going on to maturity and leaving the fish to reproduce.


Active Member
If you are using a hydometer now -I would get them in the Qt and start the hypo now .I dont htink they can wait.And besides , you need to do hypo slowly , so start with what you have and the refractometer will be there by the time you really need to be pricise about the SG.There is a good thread on here about hypo.You should read before you start.Good luck and let us know how you make out. :joy:


Thanks! I did read the thread about hypo by Beth. That is why I ordered the refractometer ASAP. I am nervous because I am setting up my Qt tonight. It is not already up and running. I am putting the 10 gall from my main tank in it and I am putting 2 cups of my live sand. I also have a sponge and bio bag that have been in my main filter for the past 2 days. I just don't know if that will be enough for the tank to not cycle....I can't wait weeks to put the fish in it...