What is this feather like red algae how do I get rid of it?


Well-Known Member
Hmm....looks like turf algae. Is it hard to remove from the rock? Some people like turf algae, some don't.....it depends on how much ya got. I had a bunch, added a chevron tang, and he tore into it. I think most of the bristletooth tangs (chevrons, koles, etc) will help take care of this while they scour the algae for their food. If your tank is big enough, a kole tang will probably help.

fish fizz

New Member
yes it is difficult to remove from the rock but it is not a stiff algae. My tank is only 30g so no tangs. =( any other ideas? I actually like it but it is getting out of control.


How long has your tank been up? With the size tank you have you can starve it out over time with weekly 25% volume water changes, careful feeding and shortened light periods. It's just another algae battle to overcome.