What is this fish?



I bought this fish about 2 months ago. He was about 3 inches then. The pet store owner told me it was a purple tang but he is not changing colors. Can you help me identify this fish? It is the silver one.


A side view showing what the fish actually looks like would be helpful. However, based on what I can see, it looks like you have a either an Acanthurus or Naso sp. tang, which is NOT a purple tang (your fish isn't even a Zebrasoma sp. tang).
The purple tang is Zebrasoma xanthurus
, and it's a purple fish with a bright yellow tail. Body shape is the typical Zebrasoma
I'd find a new LFS if the owner doesn't know what his fish are...


Thank you, I will do some research on this fish and see if I want to keep it. I was wanting color. Do you have any recommendations? I have a fox face, dog face puffer, spotted sweetlips, dusky jawfish, 2 damsels that didn't die, and several urchins. My fish are are appr 5-7 inches. I will also try and get a side shot of this fish and post tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Marie1101 http:///t/393389/what-is-this-fish#post_3499312
Thank you, I will do some research on this fish and see if I want to keep it. I was wanting color. Do you have any recommendations? I have a fox face, dog face puffer, spotted sweetlips, dusky jawfish, 2 damsels that didn't die, and several urchins. My fish are are appr 5-7 inches. I will also try and get a side shot of this fish and post tomorrow.
Hello and welcome to the site! I don't know how long you have had the tank up and running, so please excuse any wrong assumptions made.
What size is the tank? Always remember you are purchasing little baby fish...they are going to grow. You need to find out how large an adult fish will be before you put it in the tank. It is very difficult to remove a fish once it is in the system without ripping apart the entire rock structure, the sand that gets stirred up when you move the rock can release toxins, and if you have coral you will create all kinds of problems for yourself, since the coral will attach and spread over all the rock you will have to rip out.
Sweetlips get huge and will eat anything that fits in it's mouth. The damsels are mean as can be, but even they can't stand up to a sweetlips fish.
I found this information on them:
The Spotted Sweetlips, also known as the Clown Sweetlips or Harlequin Sweetlips, changes color as it matures. As a juvenile, it has a brown base covered with large white dots with darker margins. As an adult, the body color changes to white with black dots. A 500 gallon or larger aquarium is required
due to its size and eating habits. It grows at a rapid pace to almost three feet in length. It needs a larger tank to provide it with ample swimming room and plenty of hiding places. If placed in a reef aquarium, the Spotted Sweetlips will eat smaller crustaceans, smaller fireworms, serpent stars, small snails, and polychaete worms



Thank you for that information. Here is what I know about aquariums. I had just begun to research them as I wanted to get one when a doctor friend gave me this aquarium about 4 years ago as he had to move to Maine.. At the time, all the fish that were there were appr 12 yrs old. They slowly started to die. All the levels are correct, I check once a month and I do 1/3 water change every 3 months with RO water. The only ones left from the original aquarium is the fox face and the feather plant that I am attaching. I did NO research when getting new fish. So I am researching, researching, researching NOW. The side view of the silver fish is attached as well. He turns brown when he feels threatened. I am assuming the name for that fish is Naso hexacanthus due to the earlier post. Also, in reading in your forum, you are not suppose to have gravel? This aquarium came with gravel. At this point, I am thinking I need to scrap what I have and start over. I need suggestions. I do not want to get rid of the fish and this is only a 75 gallon aquarium. I used the LFS that the Doctor recommended but he burned me once, sold me a grouper that about distroyed the tank, but I gave him a second chance with the Naso. But he told me it was something entirely different. So I will be trying to find another LFS.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Marie1101 http:///t/393389/what-is-this-fish#post_3499393
Thank you for that information. Here is what I know about aquariums. I had just begun to research them as I wanted to get one when a doctor friend gave me this aquarium about 4 years ago as he had to move to Maine.. At the time, all the fish that were there were appr 12 yrs old. They slowly started to die. All the levels are correct, I check once a month and I do 1/3 water change every 3 months with RO water. The only ones left from the original aquarium is the fox face and the feather plant that I am attaching. I did NO research when getting new fish. So I am researching, researching, researching NOW. The side view of the silver fish is attached as well. He turns brown when he feels threatened. I am assuming the name for that fish is Naso hexacanthus due to the earlier post. Also, in reading in your forum, you are not suppose to have gravel? This aquarium came with gravel. At this point, I am thinking I need to scrap what I have and start over. I need suggestions. I do not want to get rid of the fish and this is only a 75 gallon aquarium. I used the LFS that the Doctor recommended but he burned me once, sold me a grouper that about distroyed the tank, but I gave him a second chance with the Naso. But he told me it was something entirely different. So I will be trying to find another LFS.
If you had the tank for 4 years with gravel...if it isn't broke don't fix it. Unless you really want the sand...then get live aragonite sand or live reef sand. It really sounds like your only issue are tank inhabitants. 75g tank...You need to get rid of the sweetlips, and the naso tang, neither are suitable for a 75g.
The next purchase should be this fish book...I can't get my pictures to upload today
Marine Fishes
500+ essential-to-know
Aquarium species
By: Scott W. Michael
That is the book the LFS uses to tell you all about the fish they have. It has pictures of each fish, the adult size of the fish, and the minimum tank size the fish can be kept in. It also tells you what they eat and what they can and can't get along with in the tank. That book will save you heartache and money. It only costs around $29.00...cheaper than the fish you wasted your money on already.


Thank you and I will purchase that book today. What is the feather animal. I cannot locate it on the web. It has a thick tube.


Also, I want to thank all of you very much. Since I have found this site, I have learned so much. There are so many informative posts and beautiful aquariums.


I was just going to comment on your nice Cerianthus (tube anemone). The require feeding 2-3x a week, since they're non-photosynthetic (NPS). I kept a purple specimen for over 10 years. You just bury their "tube" and leave the open end above the substrate. Just dig a little trench and lay the tube in it, then cover it. You can also kinda hide the tube in a cave in the rockwork Be careful tho, as the tube houses the critter's body.


Thank you. Now I know his real name and can research him. He is about 9 years old and I have him in between the rocks so the other fish do not mess with him. I have had him for four years. I didn't know you had to feed him something special, but I will definetly find out now. You have been a tremendous help!


Just an update. I changed LFS and the shop I took the NASO and the Sweetlips to were real nice. Told me both the fish were infants. I went back there yesterday and noticed that the NASO they had labeled as a Unicorn Tang. They also were selling him for $125.00 (they gave me $25) and the Sweetlips for $99.00 (they gave me $19.99). I am not worried about the money, I just wanted the fish to be safe and in the right enviroment. Concerned about the mislabeling of the NASO though and I told them the real name after I researched and with your help (Naso hexacanthus). They said the owner wasn't there that day but he has several degrees in Marine Biology and he is the one that labeled him the Unicorn. Oh well.


He could be a unicorn as they do not normally develop the "horn" until they are 6 inches or larger... and both looks imilar as juveniles...
It sounds like the new LFS is doing what most do, buying fish that are unwanted and hoping they live and are well enough to sell again.. that is the increase in price just as anyone re-selling something,,, there is always the possibility for loss..
Just as Flower said, if it aint broke dont fix it... with those very large fish out of your tank you should be able to maintain a better enviorment for the fish you have left...


Thank you for your comment. If you have been following my other posts, I acclimated several new fish to the tank, only keeping the puffer (a sweetheart) and the fox. I was really worried about my new online purchase of fish. I accliamated just as SWF said and so far so great. My mandarin dragonet is SOOO happy. Maybe I had some of the copepods and didn't know as the lights go out at 9p moonlights at 1-3a then regular lights at 3p! All I know is it has been 4 days and everyone seems so happy. The anemone is still happy even though Trigger, aka Pico, tried to hate him, but he lost interest, THANK GOODNESS! I think that this tank is finally happy! I agian cannot thank you guys enough, my tank is finally happy agian! This in two years will be my quaranteen tank as I am in the process of building our new house which will have a 300 gallon tank visible from the office and the living room!. I have been learning so much on how to build.