What is this growing on my rock!?


For the past couple of weeks I have been battling some out of balance levels . . . and algae . . . . and am beginning to get this under control after adding a phosban reactor and doing numerous water changes (see my other recent thread for details). Algae is better, but still not resolved (as evident from attached picture) and corals are still retracted except for green star polyps which have remained in great shape throughout the ordeal.
Tonight, when I got home, I have something new - and rather large - that has appeared within the past 24 hours! It is in the center of the attached photo and is pure white with a mossy green edge. I have no clue what it is, but it appears to be an animal not a plant. Any ideas? Is it good or bad? How fast does it grow?


Originally Posted by wax32
Wow. No clue. Does it move around?
It appears stationary, but I just saw it for the first time 2 hours ago. When I started looking around, I also found more of it growing on the backside of this same rock. It is sort of pretty. I hope that it is nothing bad.


Can you take a pic zoomed in on the newly appeared object? I D would be easier for all with a larger clearer image. I am going through my invert books now looking for anything with a "fast" growth rate.


Originally Posted by DeJaCo
Can you take a pic zoomed in on the newly appeared object? I D would be easier for all with a larger clearer image. I am going through my invert books now looking for anything with a "fast" growth rate.
Here is another picture at a bit closer. Note that I can see no change in size or location from yesterday.


Originally Posted by waterpolo
how long has your tank been up and running?
Forever. Seriously, in its present state with live sand and live rock for 8 or 9 years. Before that with crushed coral. There are some things in the tank that go back 15-16 years when I first started salt.
BTW, whatever it is has similar size and shape to the money plant (halimeda) also in the tank -- it is also similar thickness. It is not, however, I feel sure, halimeda that has dies off and turned white. That is not pure white like this is and it also looks different when the lights are off. This think is very odd. The green frilly stuff on the edges appears to be attached also. Strange!?


I know for a fact that when people have their tank up and running as long as you, weird and random things pop out of no where. Keep us updated.