What is this guy????


Active Member
OK, whats this little guys proper and common names.. etc.???? Just picked him up at the LFS...... Loaned my coral books to a friend the other day that has a new tank.....do not have my books to check......... Here is a close up of one of its 7 heads...... Thanks ...big



Active Member
its either a very bleached frogsspawn or an unusually white one. some type of Euphyllia not sure of the family though. what kind of light was it under at the store?


Active Member
I do not think he is a Frog...... He has these bulbous heads, but not the separation to the tentacles like my Frogspawn has. The "heads" have lots of little bumps on each batch or group of tentacles...?????????????? I think he is a Euphyllia of some type but I have never seen one with this head structure. Thats why I got him......big


New Member
Octo-Bubble? Ive heard this term used before on these. Definately Euphyllia as I had a few touching torches and hammers awhile back.


Active Member
the best look alike pic I have found so far called it a Euphyllia divisa, I am not positive its correct