What is this? HELP!


New Member
I am sorry for cross-referencing message boards, but I'm not sure I am getting the answer/opinion from the right mind.
Please take a look at My Reef Forum Post and see if you can help me figure out what this strange creature is.
Thanks SWF!


Active Member
Hi Jered,
I'm sorry but, I had to delete your link to the other board.......swf.com doesn't allow links like that.
From the photo......it looks like some type of Sea Slug.
Try www.seaslugforum.net/species.htm if you have the time to search through a ton of photos. Good luck. :)


New Member
THANKS! After many suggestions and lots of input, I believe it to be a Stylocheilus longicauda - sea slug! Now, do I keep it in there? I've heard slugs can emit toxins. I have no corals yet, only a startup kit, a firefish goby and a percola clown.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry so much about it emitting toxins if it is really small.
I hate to say it but, there is a very, very high possibility that it will die soon in the tank. Usually Sea Slugs survive by eating a certain thing in the ocean.......if they are deprived of that thing.......they won't adapt to something else and eventually die.


New Member
ouch! death is never a good thing in my book. um, i talked to a buddy who saw my tank and he said i have sponges on my fiji rock. the team varieties of sponge that i might have are bright yellow and a vibrant red.
My guess is that the slug hitchiked in some of the fiji rock. Well, the slug is coming out more frequently it seems. Almost once every other day, maybe more. :confused: What do I do with it?