What is this in my Skimmer


I have this brownish tint to my water in my prizm HOB skimmer. The dirty looking water is only in the top compartment that you throw out. What is it? Please tell me it is not dangerous?


that is why you have a skimmer...the brown stuff is some of the waste in your water..skimmer is working and doing its job

mr . salty

Active Member
This is actually called "dissolved organics,and waste.It is a sign that your skimmer s working.But if this wet substance is all you are seeing comming from the skimmer,it is not working at it's peak performance.When properly adjusted,the skimmer should be producing a brownish colored "dry foam" that will rise out of the skimmer and overflow into the collection cup. Try increasing the air,and turning the water flow all the way down...This will increase the contact time between the water and the micro bubbles.....


New Member
What this is actually called is " ", well, just smell it and you will immediately know. Your skimmer is working.