What is this? Is it harmful?


New Member
I read an article about "hitchhikers" in reef tanks and saw what looked similar to something in my tank. It talked about this being harmful to the tank and that it would spread througout. I'm starting to get the spread (have 4-5 new ones starting up) but haven't noticed it being a problem. Any thoughts as to what it is and if I should be concerned?
Thanks to all!!


Active Member
It looks like an aiptasia, but I've never seen one that color. If it is they will become a problem if not eliminated.


New Member
The pictured one is roughly 3 inches. Another is about an inch. the rest (2-3 more) are less than 1/2 inch at this point. All of them seem to "hibernate" at night by pulling in to about 1/3 their size.


Problem means that they have a lethal sting to corals and fish. They will spread very fast and will over take a tank. I too have never seen one that color. I have had the best luck with a product called Aptasia Away. E-mail me and I will give you a web address where you can purchase it.


New Member
I'm puzzled because I really haven't seen any problems with them to this point. The fish don't seem to bother with them and the rest of the tank seems to be moving along great. If I let it go for now am I postponing the enevitable?
If I do get rid of them with some sort of tank additive, am I at risk for killing other creatures in the tank?
Uel, I don't have your email and it is not listed on your reply - Help???
By the way - In case it helps - I have:
1 4" Yellow Tang
1 5" Big-eyed squirrel fish
1 2" Royal gramma
2 1-2" Damsels (I know I need to get rid of them)
1 6-8" Engineer Goby (can't tell how long since he hides all the time)
1 Hermit Crab
1 snail
1 turbo
55 gallon tank


Active Member
Where will your fish be able to swim and where are you going to put your corals when they're are 30 or 40 of them. They won't be able to avoid them then.
Kalk injections will only add Calcium to your tank.


New Member
The picture I attached is from my own tank. It is probably 4 inches or so at full length. The other 4-5 that are in there are just starting to grow (maybe 1/2 to 1 inches).


I can't help but thinking this is NOT aiptasia. It looks too pretty to me. The stalk seems to high & thick, and the number of tentacles seems too high to me. Do you have more pictures? When you touch it, does it withdraw completely into the rock? Or, does the stalk still stick out? When you eat it, does it taste like saltwater?
If, however, if IS aiptasia, here is more info how to get rid of them:
Link to Aiptasia control
Oh.... that "eating" part was a j/k, right..... I've been too long on this board today....


New Member
Thanks for the reply. I see your point about the thick stalk. I've looked at other pictures on the web that claim to be Aptasia and the look very different. This brings up yet another question: This guy has not moved once since I bought the rock over a year ago. He just sits there everyday. Is there a tendancy for Aptasia's to move about in a tank? Also, I've fed this "thing" on many occasions pieces of frozen squid, and/or shrimp. It loves it. Is that also a trait of the Aptasia? Last question, I get the impression that the Aptasia will pull itself all the way back into the live rock if disturbed. Am I right or wrong? I've never had that happen with this guy.
Thanks to all!!!
P.S I'll try to get more pictures of it when I get home tonight.


You are very right. Aiptasia does pull back. That's why I asked. But, aiptasia does not "move". It spreads (multiplies) like weed, but does not move to my knowledge.
So, more and more do I think it is not aiptasia. You said you had this guy over a year ago? How many do you have now? 4-5? To me, this sounds like normal spread of good polyps. I would keep them.
Hopefully, more ppl can respond.


New Member
Here is another picture to try and help give perspective to this creature. While I was shooting my big-eyed squirrel fish ran right over one with no reaction by either the fish or the creature. I'm thinking that maybe these aren't Apstasia at this point. Yes, it has been at least a year or more since I got him and the first sign of any new growth came roughly one month ago. Now there are four total growing in the tank. Any thoughts are appreciated!
By the way very cool website you have OceanJumper. Interesting to read about your conversion though. I was sold a Fluval 404 for my 55 gal. tank and it seems to work great.? I use this along with a protein skimmer. No undergravel or other filtration at all. Have 2 power heads for water current. I can't help but wonder if I'm missing something in the set up that would help move along the development of the live rock though.?
thanks again to all


New Member
Thanks sammystingray. I was having a hard time thinking I'd need to kill off the first successful multiplication of ANYTHING in the tank besides black algae in the last two years. They just haven't seemed to be a problem at all but started reading about the apstasia and got concerned.
thanks again!


Active Member
if it were an established tank, copperband butterflys like them
peppermint shrimp supposedly love them(but not all), we had some that would not touch the stuff, but nearly wipedout our duster popluation.
Kalk is a great way to rid them(if you want) and as for the additives, it only adds calcium as mentioned, not a bunch of other chemicals that you ahve to worry about. So if you coose to kalk them, go for it! I t won't hurt your tank(esp inthe amount you would use) Kalk is the safest additive you can use, as well as the most efficient. They do make other things, so I hear, but they are additives which I would not reccomend.


Is it me or do people declare aiptasia as soon as anyone shows a picture of any unidentified polyp.
Sometimes I have to giggle to my self as I keep thinking of the fairy tell my grandma told me of the little boy who cried aiptasia... I mean wolf.