what is this? lots of pics here to study


its weird, its only on one side of my tank, the right side.. i hAve one pump on each side for flow...2 rio600's and a spray bar across the back top pointing to middle of front glass... is it coriline?, hair algae? :notsure:



Active Member
The color makes me think cyano (red slime algae), but I'm not 100%.
Have you recently changed your lighting? Lighting schedule? What is your photoperiod?
Have you been dosing the tank recently? Added new dosing supplements?
Have you changed water flow directions recently? How much total flow do you have? What's the flow like in the areas that are affected?


Active Member
I would definitely say that it is cyano now.
Purple Up is an additive full of calcium....the same thing that caused my battle with cyano.


i have about 1,200 gph total of water flow ,its not circles,soo im thinking its not coriline.. but its not slimmy looking yet at least..... what can i do to get rid of it?.. is it bad? can i leave it?.. i think it gives my tank some color :notsure:


It also looks like it could possibly be red or purple bubble algae. BTY, what kind of lights do you have???? Just curious. You have a nice looking tank.


Originally Posted by RAYRAY2857
It also looks like it could possibly be red or purple bubble algae. BTY, what kind of lights do you have???? Just curious. You have a nice looking tank.
thanks.. i have 260w pc with moon beams..does anyone know how long the bulbs last?. i bought it new in may note: I DID FOR THE PAST 2 DAYS LEAVE MY LIGHTS ON FOR ABOUT 12 HRS BOTH DAYS.. DIDNT MEAN TO,WAS BUSY GOING OUT WITH A NEW GIRL,LOL


Originally Posted by RAYRAY2857
What size is your tank. And is that a carpet anemone in the front of the tank?
its a 55g, im getn a 180g in 2 months and yep its a carpet anemone.. dont ever get one they eat anything that goes in its path.. i lost 2 emerald crabs at the same time.. the carpet closed up over then and when opened up they were gone.. the next day i saw a bunch of emerald crab shells in front of him on the sand :mad:


Active Member
If you left your lights on longer than normal and dosed calcium (in any form) I would say it's definitely cyano. I would reduce your photoperiod to about 10 hours, and work it down an additional 30 minutes each week thereafter. Small water changes, and sucking up the cyano helped for me too.
It's better and easier to get rid of the cyano now before it gets long and stringy and begins to spread.....trust me. It's not a battle you want to take on.


Originally Posted by RAYRAY2857
How long have you had your anemone? Have you always had him under pc lights?
ive had him about 3 months, hes doing great!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by RAYRAY2857
It also looks like it could possibly be red or purple bubble algae.
Red bubble algae is what I was thinking also unless it is cyano.
philgmiami, try removing some from the rock, take it out of the tank and see if you can get a better picture.


Active Member
Looks like slime algae/cyano to me. Use a clean toothbrush and scrub it If it comes off really easily, then it is indeed.


Active Member
Looks like cyano to me. Mine only grow/grew where I had dead spots in my water flow. It doesnt seem to like any kind of current. At least its good for something. It told me exactly where the dead spots where in tank. Situateing and or adding power heads to eliminate those spots pretty much elimnates my cyano also.