What is this on my coral??


I have these white spots growing on my coral. And there are these small spider web looking things in it. It seems to be spreading to my live rock too??? What is this stuff. Any help would be great. Thanks alot.


New Member
<>< Do they look like baby feather dusters ? <><
If not determin if they are hurting anything their are so many strange thing that can spring up on rocks. My best advice is to bag it up and bring it to the experts in your area. A local ***** will usualy have a fish spechilist who can help. If you determin that they are hurting your tank then try to get it out. Place a colprets into a sick tank and or place all invertabrates in a side take and try some rxp meds. Its safe for most reef set ups. Good luck. if you can take a pic. send it to me at aol and I will see if I can find out.


Not to by ANY means defend ***** at all, but our loco ***** has this kid who is a genius with reef tanks. I have spoken with him a couple times when buying equipment- he of course does recomend by livestock elsewhere :) he has been very helpful several times when our LFS is closed....
i can also say taht he is the ONLY one who knows anything about reefs though.... :D


Active Member
Well in case you haven't realized ***** is well to put it mildy...not liked and with good reasons. Just check out some of the threads on them. I am sure you had good intentions, but I would advise checking out a LFS with folks who have been doing this, and only this, for many years.. even then ask lots of questions to them to make sure they know what they are talking about.
"LAUGHING AND PUKING AND THE SAME TIME" -that is one hell of a image Tang :)
-Josh- :D