Hey there guys this is from about 10 mins ago. It is now spreading and is covering its mouth. I tried to lightly brush it off but it wouldnt come off. The mushroomwas purchased on saturday and i did not notice any of this until today.
I just noticed it today and right after i noticed it i took pics cause i thought it was a cool nudi or something but now im kinda worried ??? Thanks for the quicl reply!!!!!!!!!
thomas replied to one of your other threads... all i know is that one of mine did it a couple times but it's perfectly fine now. mighta happened after some salt creep fell back in the tank on it.... good luck tho!
Possably a mass of mesenterial filaments coming from inside the mushroom, that means some thing is usually wrong and its stressing out. I've seen it happen whenever they get hit with something like buffer crystals that didn't dissolve yet or something like that.
you can see it better than I, does it look like a bunch of whitish string?
Check your water chemistry.
Mine has always done that but lately much more often. A few times like in Madmans 1st pic it came all the way out and was laying on the shroom at least 1"away from the mouth? If its the shrooms insides how can they be completely disconnected??
The body recoils from some irritable event, they usually recoil them, I don't remember seeing them disconected, perhaps in some cases it might happen, not sure.
Hmmm i cant think of anything that would have adgitated it but yes its string only pink and it doesnt look like individual threads. I looks eaxactly like a luttuce nudi with the ruffles. Thanks for all of the replies...i truly do apreciate it!!! -Mad
As for what may have hit it i was moving some things around today and since it is new its just attached to the rock it came on and fell over acouple of time but none of the others on th rock are producing any of this. Could it possibly be healing itself?
Hahaaa thank you reeffreak!!! You just reminded me that a snail had fallen off and i out him on a rock next to it and the snail climbed up to the sroom rock...you can see him in one of the pics. Do you guys think this could be it? BTW its very retracted in and not out and waving in the current like it has been.
I dunno lol im just the impatient type of guy. I dont know if you saw my thread of my toadstool but there agian another example of my impatience. lol oh well im starting to become more understanding/more patient with getting older and having kids but its still hard sometimes lol i want things perfect NOW!!!! LOL Thanks again - Jack
i know exactly what u mean i just stopped worrying if a coral dosnt polip out one day, u just dont know exactly what its going through at the time its usuallt just a natural thing that will accur from time to time gl