What is this on my rock?


New Member
This doesnt look like anything i have ever seen at any of the lfs's. I dont know if you can tell from picks but it almost looks like it is kind of fuzzy. I cant scratch it of with my fingers. the other rocks have coraline aglea, but its purple. this stuff is red.
Description of tank, 72gal bowfront with model 2 sump, 2 hydor Korila #3's 750gph pump in sump, coralife aqualight pro with 2 150w mh, 2 96w attinics, 4 1w lunar leds. In the sump i have a asm G1x skimmer and a jbj submariner 7 watt uv, My salinity is 1.023 phosphate is 0.1, nitrate is 0, cal is 450 ppm, PH is 8.4, and my alkinity is 2.9-3.4. the only thing i add to tank is kalkwasser and kent marine coral- accel. Oh yea water temp is 77-79



kind of slimy?
I've got the same thing in my tank. I dunno what it is though. Maybe some type of cyanoalgae or something?


not exactly bad...unsightly though... it's no big deal, just increase the flow to that spot n maybe lessen the lights


New Member
It could be the start of the nasty red algae as well! You should check your ph and make sure it is in the parameters. Also make certain there is water flow because it will take over corals!