What is this on my shrimp!!!


I just looked at my blood red shrimp and there is this discoloration on his back. I had the acitinic lights on so the picture didn't turn out the right colors and I used the flash. The problem area is a couple of circles on his back that appear to be a flesh color.
I don't know what is wrong with him.
Is he just molting?
I added him on April 22nd I have never seen him molt before so I think that is what is going on with him but I wanted to make sure.


Active Member
do you have mushrooms in the tank? I have a banded coral shrimp that has a piece of mushroom fixed to his shell like a hat.. Its been there for months.
PS ive seen emerald crabs wear mushroom and other soft corals about them as camo as well..


Ewww. :eek: Not good. Look up posts with the Epicaridean isopod , I would geuss that is what your shrimp has. If that is the case then its most likely a death sentence to the shrimp.


Hey Thomas,
From what I read in your posts before it seems it won't spread to my cleaner shrimp, right?
Do think think that I should just leave him in there or 'try' to remove him.
Also from other posts it says that it is from mostly wild caught ones that have this disease.
I got this one from SWF would this have been a wild one?
Well if he does die that will just get my closer to my $75 dollar order from SWF.com. Always look at the good side of things.


Most likely the shrimp will eventually die. Some recover. The good news is that it will not spread. If you do a search there are a few threads on this exact situation.


I have a peppermint that HAD the same thing. I think its gone. Too bad I wanted the little

to die. He eats my polyps and xenia and is good for noth'n.


True it will not be spread to others. If you wish to take matters in your own hands regarding the shrimp the best method is to place him in a bag of water and freeze him, this is one of the most humane was to kill him.
I can't tell you if it was wild caught or not, I simply don't know.
I also have the same shrimp from SWF.COM and mine is fine.
If it were me I would await his next molt and see how he fares.


Thomas, I just got a really good look at my shrimp and there seems to be really small white specs on him that move around across the area. Are those the Epicaridean isopods.
What do you think the best thing to do is?
To take him out or to leave him in.


I talked with Bang Guy and he also seems to feel that this shrimp is in misery and should be taken out.
Originally I might have waited for the next molt. But now.
My suggestion would be like I said before to freeze him in a small bag of water.
Sorry about that


awww i hate it when stuff like this happens... too bad for the shrimp... blood shrimp are just beautiful...


I had that happen to my fire shrimp awhile back. He died but it also infested my scarlet cleaner which also died. The cleaner I had for at least 4 months. The fire was only 1 month. I think it spread from the fire to the scarlet. I could be wrong. But the scarlet was fine until the fire got it.:notsure: :notsure:


I tried to catch him this morning (and failed) when I fed my fish but he didn't come out of his little hole he likes to hide in. I will try later on tonight when I feed again. If that doesn't work I will try the bottle top method. Any other suggestions would be greatful to help me get him out.