What is this on my shrimp!!!


Last resort, try to the syphon method. It worked for me.
I used 1.5 inch clear vinyl hose to catch a hitchhiker mantis shrimp, I tried other trap methods which failed. A blood shrimp may be easier to catch tho. I just waited til I was about to do a water change. Put some food about an inch away from the hole he was in. And with zen like patience I had him in a qt bucket in about 10 minutes (the trick was to not suck him out with brute force, I waited til he was 90% out of the hole and started the syphon). The hose was about 3x's larger than him btw so you may want to try a 2" hose if your shrimp is larger.
Catching shrimp in LR sucks, literally. And for the record I did eat some saltwater, lol. Im just glad the mantis didn't bash my tonsils.
Edit: I put the food inside the hose, like an inch inside. I failed to mention that above.. when he went out to grab it, I sucked him right out.



Originally posted by blueface
I had that happen to my fire shrimp awhile back. He died but it also infested my scarlet cleaner which also died. The cleaner I had for at least 4 months. The fire was only 1 month. I think it spread from the fire to the scarlet. I could be wrong. But the scarlet was fine until the fire got it.:notsure: :notsure:

This isopod dies with the host, it is not a contagious condition. It could be that something else was infecting your shrimp.