What is this stuff in my tank and why!?


Hello Everyone,

So today marks one month since my tank is up and running.
Tested all the water levels yesterday with the regular saltwater test kit, and also the reef test kit.

pH - 8.3
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Carbonate Hardness (KH) - 9 drops (161.1 ppm)
Calcium - 28 drops (560 mg/L (ppm))
Phosphate - 0
Ammonia - looks like there might be a tiny bit of it, as the color was very slightly greenish but will try again tonight for more accuracy.

So my question is, what is this gross brown/green film all over my tank, and what do I do to get rid of it?
i know its algae, but why!?
It literally happened over night about 3 days ago and it is driving me crazy!!



Active Member
Diatoms, and it's actually a good thing. It is a signal your tank is ready for a clean up crew. Just means it is healthy and on the right path.


3x Bumble Bee Snails
1x Turbo Snail
2x Large Hermit Crabs
1x Astrea Snail
4x Nassarius Snails
1x Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1x Fire Shrimp
1x Emerald Crab
6x Blue Legged Hermit Crab
3x Star Shaped Astrea
1x Scooter Blenny


im startin to think this is not big enough of a cuc because the tank looks filthy!
Does this stuff go away on its own or is there something i should do?


i scrubbed it off with a sponge. couldnt look at the tank it was depressing lol.
The rocks are covered in brown too.. thatll go away on its own?


haha okay! yeah i know patience is a virtue here, as I failed at this saltwater stuff a few years back because I rushed everything.

I just wanted to make sure that I am doing everything correctly, and I wasnt aware that diatoms are a good sign ! :p
I have the same problem as yours for the last 4 weeks, I have too much direct sunlight, lights, tap water plus overfeeding, the rocks brown algae will come and go, but sand is the problem, it seems to me they decided want to stay forever..


Active Member
I remember you were looking for "fun" CUC additions and I'd say you found them. I'd add some "boring" ones too. My best diatoms eaters are my dwarf certiths. Just tiny, basic black cone shaped shells that hide in the sand during the day.


im going to go get some today because this isnt about fun anymore lol..

my tank has no direct sunlight. My actinic light is running for 10 hours, and my daytime light is running for 8, so I know this isnt due to lighting.

I feed the tank once every 2 days, and very little, so I know its not from overfeeding either.

Also, my water was ready made nutri seawater, never tap!


Well-Known Member
I had that same "problem" with my sand. I didn't want to stir up the sand trying to get it out because I wanted my tank to stay as natural as possible with as little physical interference as I could. I got a diamond watchman goby. Within a week, no more diatoms on the sand. He constantly remodels the sand. But its clean.


Active Member
Yeah anything sand sifting or stirring will help. I've got a light dusting in my 20g because I only have 3 ceriths. I need to harvest some from my 29 and move them over. My 29 easily has 50 in it, some of those are second generation.


Well-Known Member
I also have nassarious snails for stiring up the sand. When I feed the tank I get about 50 of them that pop out of the sand like gophers.