What is this stuff?


New Member
Last night I put in a jaw fish, angel, and an anemone and this morning (roughly 12 hrs later) these white spots are all over my tank, they have attached to my live rock, coral brain, and other places. I do not see them on any fish. My water tests are all good. This is in a 55 gal tank with 1 Yellow Tang, 2 percs, 1 royal gamma, 3 yellow tail damsles, 1 lemonpeel angel, and 1 yellowhead jawfish. If it is Ich what is best method to treat the entire tank without killing the anemones?


Staff member
You can't really see ich so whatever it is its not a fish disease process. Can you point out the problem in that picture?
I'll move you over to the reef forum for further input, but I don't see a problem. How is your pH?
[You are a tad overloaded in the fish deptment.]


New Member
Theses are tiny white spots all over my tank this morning, they are clumped together in various spots. Some have dissapeared throughout the day, but there are still several present. I have circled them on the picture.
As far as overloading my tank..I had a 35 gal get a leak some how and the yellow tail damsles will go back once set and not leaking. I just want to make sure I do not have anything about to rip thru my tank.


New Member
No it is not sand....it has some sort of mucus attached to it, and they are almost perfectly round in shape.


Active Member
Some kind of eggs? Hmmm..... Do you see the fish pecking at them? This could be why there are fewer. :D