What is this thing in my tank??!!!


Hey jwishy,
Whats your problem? I've been reading through a lot of your posts and at least half are just criticizing other people. This board is here to help people. And many people have different experiences with different livestock. Just because the norm is one way doesnt mean that its always true. fshhub has given some very good advice to many people. I have not seen you do the same, so until you build a good reputation on here, why should we listen to what you say over the advice of someone who has helped us out many times. So far you have acted like a bully and nothing more.

nm reef

Active Member
Some sites seems to encourage personal attacks and open flame wars...this is not one of them.
The above tirade has been totally out of character with the purpose of this forum. Any and all flames/personal attacks are not appreciated. I'd suggest the individuals responsible for such activities go else where for fun and games.
If you have an opinion state it...it you have a problem state it...if you want to raise cain and trade insults ...then go elsewhere!!!!:cool: