What is this thing?


Active Member
I found this thing in my sandbed last night, the tube portion was buried w/ just the head lying on the sandbed it looked kinda lika a small starfish (with too many legs) but has 2 or 3 points sticking straight up in the middle. whan I tried to remove it, the entire thing sucked itself into the tube portion. all in all it's about the size of an average zoanthid, but it's definately not a zoanthid. it is also definately not aptasia either. cant find a pic only.
any ideas??
all i know is that it does not look friendly lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Kinda looks like Aiptasia to me. Try feeding it a small piece of seafood and see it it eats it.
for sure not aiptasia. the tube thing is more solid just like a zoanthid. when it retracts it goes inside the tube. slowly it is putting itself back into the sand as you can see in the pic. when it was found in our reef only the top stuck out. we thought it was a strange star fish of somekind but when i tried to get it ,it very quickly sucked into the sand and when i scooped out the sand i found the tube thing and placed it into another tank. sure enough out it came again. some sort of worm i think


Active Member
attempted to feed it. It seemed to be annoyed, the food did seem to stick to the tube a but but I never saw it eat any (I've had aptasia in my fry tank before and when it ate cyclopeeze, you could see orangi in its center/tube area)



Grrrrr. :mad:
You know I've seen one of those before, even had one once, I even found an ID for it couple years back. But like watching a movie and trying to remember what the actor's name is it escapes me right now. Can't even find what post I had about it.....and I'm sure the post is so old that the pics are gone now.
I'll look around.


oceana ~ Can you do one more thing here...dig it out and locate the bottom of it and take a pic of the whole thing if you can.
Oh and I take it back, I had nothing like that, only something similar, but not.


Active Member
I dug it out already, it sucks into its tube and both ends look exactly tha same (just like a dead/closed zoanthid tube)


Active Member
it's just so ominous looking, it moved kinda like a worm fairly quick too- although the clowns already cleaned up all of the cyclopeez from around it and even picked off the pcs stuck to its tube and it didn't seem to react to them- still standing strait up like in the last pic- it's kinda creeping me out, but I was really curious what it is


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
it's just so ominous looking, it moved kinda like a worm fairly quick too- although the clowns already cleaned up all of the cyclopeez from around it and even picked off the pcs stuck to its tube and it didn't seem to react to them- still standing strait up like in the last pic- it's kinda creeping me out, but I was really curious what it is
Now I know where these movie makers find the basis for how their monsters will look. I swear I've seen that exact thing in Poltergyst. The tentacles are not sticky to fish foods then?


That reacts so strangely that I'd almost have to say that it lacks an oral disk like an anemone. Least none that I know of. Permission to use the pics and ask around?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
That reacts so strangely that I'd almost have to say that it lacks an oral disk like an anemone. Least none that I know of. Permission to use the pics and ask around?

please do. i have it posted on sever other forums myself. any help would be great


So far the only cnidaria that are comming close to it are from the British Isles


Active Member
I have a few of those exact critters. I made a post a few weeks ago for ID, but I could not get a pic of it. they are mixed in with my zoos and when they touch a zoo, it retracts


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
I have a few of those exact critters. I made a post a few weeks ago for ID, but I could not get a pic of it. they are mixed in with my zoos and when they touch a zoo, it retracts

HMMM that actualy gives me a starting point. as most people now i'm the un-offical zoanthid king lol so we have TONS of them that i am fragging all the time. maybe i knocked it off


Active Member
looks dangerous with that center

..... ????????????? try larger meater foods maybe live foods???? that is one ugly thingy ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I don't know, maybe.
that one is a bit of a different color but it sure lookg alot like it. if it is the same i'm guessing that they would have all sorts of color differences