what is this thing?


i just bought some live rock and when i was putting it in the tank, i saw this critter on it. its about 2-3" long, yellowish and looks like a centipede w/short legs. is it a good or bad guy? what is it?


of course now i cant find him. when i get a better look at him, i'll give a better description. thanks.


i read bristol works start out orange, then turn brown as they age... they have been known to be over a foot long!


Active Member
Not someone I know.....someone we all know. Steveweast is a member here, and he had the seven foot long worm!! There was a pic of it somewhere in the reef forum about a month ago.


i havent seen him since i put the rock in there. the rock has alot of cool growth on it, but at the lfs, it was in a tank with clams and other inverts. their lighting was alot stronger than mine, so i dont know what will survive in my tank. maybe i wont see this worm again.


i just looked in the tank and theres this big black thing w/what looks like the consistancy of a snail, but it was stretching from the new rock to and older one. it was abt 1/2" thick and was stretching abt 4". then it let go ang was abt 3" wide. anybody know what this is? btw the foxface added last night is doing fine.


the black thing came out front. it's pitch black w/two antanae with a tiny white dot on the tips. it looks like a snail w/no shell.


Active Member
good luck with iding all the critters I bought only the live sand but no critters in it :( Im thinking about buying some more from here anybody ever got any critters from the site in their live sand?