i have a 20 gallon long style tank, its been set up since late march, after adding 18 pounds of uncured premiume fiji live rock diatoms started to grown, its not out of controll yet though, anyways the cycle STILL hasent started(i been testing) and now i just got home from work and im wondering whats on the glass, i take a closer look(cause at first i thought it was salt)
and it turns out i have no idea what these things are and i got alot of them on my glass, i tryed to take a pic of them but due to flash glare and the VERY VERY small size of them i couldent but i drew a pic and posted it on my site can anyone help me out with what they are(i drew the pic in blue, but there really white in color)
well this is the link
and that SHOULD work but if not then try to go though the url though a diffrent web broswer, and maybe refresh the page(it might help ya never know) but more important than the looks( but it gives an idea of what it is) is what it does, i heard of co pods being white or so and my tank is in the VERY begging stages of the cycle(diatom blooms on the sand) i think its posible it could be that, but i just want to know if its not, then what else could these things be(its a lot of them about 100 or so, there floating around in the water and on the glass)
[ April 27, 2001: Message edited by: tanker newbie ]


New Member
DO they move? If so they may be Isopods-or something like that.What kind of fish are in your tank?I had "tiny" lil bugs for awile but my clownfish seemed to eat them :)


If they are the size of a piece of salt then you have true copepodes. They become food to fish even though though they quickly breed. If they are bigger and look like little shrimp then the are amphipodes. They are the same deal just bigger.
the arms do move(a little with current) and it also is about the size of a grain of salt, i know the pic isent the best but my digital camara wouldent pick up the little things on the screen