What is this?


New Member
My LR is now 10 days old and I have this thing sitting on one of them. I thought it was very interesting so I placed it's rock on top with it upright. It seems to have turned towrd my lights and leans over! It is sometimes "deflated" and the top has an opening that sometimes opens up quite large.


:eek: that is some amazing live rock...
sorry just had to chime in with that...
dont know what that is


New Member
This thing has a hole at the top that is open in various sizes and sometimes it sort of squeezes together and then expands back to this size. We call it the cactus because of the spines? that seem to catch everything floating by.


New Member
I would be glad to tell you. I got it direct from the diver up in Tampa. however,I don't feel it proper to put his info on this thread. Email me at al@alhofmann.net and I can tell you about the price etc.