What is this?


Hey all,
Well my tank has been cycling for about 3 months now. Finally Completed a full cycle and was time for the first fish.
I found this really cool looking fish at a lfs and decided for the 10 buxx that it was a good first try.
Only problem is that i have no clue what it is.
any help would be cool.


Active Member
That is a Coral Beauty Pigmy Anglefish ( Centropyge bispinosa )
And a very nice looking one too. Nice colors. You should be arrested for only $ 10 thats a steal.
Feed it thawed out frozen meaty fish food and the dried flat algee sheet food.
Looks like you should get more live rock because the like to eat the little bugs that live in it.
And by a book about salt water fish. """ I hope thats salt water you got it in""" : )


Active Member
I would consider removing those 'freshwater' tank decorations.They can have substances which can leech into a SW tank.Beautiful fish...!Perhaps look into adding some live rock in small increments{5-10 LBs. at a time},so as not to cause a spike.Make sure it is cured.


Yeah i am definately looking to add lr, i have a 25lb piece there in the middle and thats why the cycle took so long. I cleaned the freshwater accessories for about a week before i put them into the tank, no worries. I am looking to build it up, but i just payed off the truck and registration, insurance, and school. i am 17 and work at best buy, so cash is a little tight. Ty for all the help, i will keep u all posted.
Would like thawed raw shrip be a good food??
any suggestions?


Active Member
Chop it into small pcs. but get a fozen food that has everything, mixed meaty stuff and spirulia ( seaweeds/algea ) something like Prime Reef Brand. Just like ppl. they can not live on shrimp alone.