What is this??????


I have noticed ever since I have started up my tank that it has like a film on top of the water. It's not thick or anything but it's like this filmy substance that stays on top pf the water. I really can't take a picture of it since you wouldn't really see it. Maybe not enough water movement?
And also my tank looks pretty clear when you look at it but when you look at it from the side and look at the very far end, it looks kind of cloudy. I don't get it. I have a protein skimmer, a penguin biowheel 350 and 3 powerheads. Why is it cloudy looking?


Active Member
even though we had that lil dispute i have that in my 24g nano im also trying to figure it out? maybe some type of oil or something!


yeah. that dispute was kind of funny. But to straighten something out, i really am that tall as i said and i am 16. I see you are too. lol
But back to the question, i have no idea what it is. It's really bothering me. I was maybe thinking also not enough cleaner crew? I am not sure
Any other guys have some answers?


Active Member
Its just nastyness that happens to collect at the top. Phytoplankton, oils from food, etc. This is why a surface skimmer is nice to have because that stuff gets cycled back through the tank.


Originally Posted by Speg
Its just nastyness that happens to collect at the top. Phytoplankton, oils from food, etc. This is why a surface skimmer is nice to have because that stuff gets cycled back through the tank.
I have a Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer Deluxe that has an adjustable heigh surface skimmer so why is that not getting rid of it?