What is this?!

sea horse

Last night I looked in my fish tank and there was a weird creeature on my rock of zoos! :scared: I couldn't take a picture of it before it dissapered. It was an oval shape, about an inch long, and see-through ecept in the center it was brown. It moved like I would imagin a Lettus Nutibranch moves like. What is this strange creature? :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by sea horse
Last night I looked in my fish tank and there was a weird creeature on my rock of zoos! :scared: I couldn't take a picture of it before it dissapered. It was an oval shape, about an inch long, and see-through ecept in the center it was brown. It moved like I would imagin a Lettus Nutibranch moves like. What is this strange creature? :help:
AHH!! Sounds like a zoo-eating nudibranch! Get it out of there! If you see any more of them, take them out, the second you see them. :scared:


Active Member
if they are zoo eating nudis remove them then dip your zoos in a fresh water bath for 4 mins to kill any remaining ones and their eggs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sea horse
If I dip the zoos in fresh water won't it damage them? :notsure:
Just don't leave them in the fresh water for ANY LONGER than 4 minutes. As soon as they've been in there 4 minutes, get them out, and put them back in your display tank.


Active Member
When you said OVAL, my first thought was a Limpet. Most are harmless. Of couse cant know for sure.