what IS this???


ok - so i have my tank & live rock set up for a year or so now - I recently re-did my lighting and added an additional bulb [a blue actnic bulb] - ever since I put the actnic bulb in.. I have 2 different "THINGS" growing from my rock.... I have searched the internet and can't find anything saying what these might be.... does anyone know??? HELP!!!!!!!
-see attached pictures-



Active Member
Hi Kaleysalen, I think the first photo looks like something I purchased on some LR. Some folks on this site thought perhaps a type of sponge. Mine has spread (VERY slowly) and has developed long tubes (looks like yours) that stick up toward the lights. Hasn't seemed to be harmful at all.


well COOL then!! i thought maybe the were some sort of sponges [both of them] but only that long ones seems to be growing -but hey, as long as they aren't harmful!