what is this ???


Active Member
while doing a water change i noticed this snail (slug) like think on one of my powerheads. it`s a ugly greenish-brown and has (maybe) a small shell that barely covers its back...
is it good or bad ???

wow, sorry, ... bad pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Looks like a harmless sea slug. I have them in my refugium.
i hope so, do they have a shell at all ? this thing has what looks like a small shell maybe 1/4 of its size ...


Active Member
Yes, I actually intended on commenting on your pics!
I love your blue gorgonia, and your yellow ricordia's! Everything in your tank is looking fantastic. Oh, and the firefish shot was sweet!


STomatella. Right! I had the same question here about six months ago.
I have one in my tank (that I can see). Comes out at night.
The thing is, it DOES have a shell. The shell is UNDER the skin across it's back.