What is this?


Don't you hate when that's asked hehe... I am curious though, it's on the dead rock that I put in last Thursday (and thoroughly washed). It wasn't on there yesterday, I stare at my rocks enough to know that.
It's a thin white membrane covering several of the holes on the rock. They are probably anywhere from dime sized to quarter sized. The membrane is very thin and moves with the wave maker... it's a LOT like a thick spiderweb. Any clue?


Yikes, hopefully it's not a nest for some wierd crap that is about to hatch.
Did you try "disecting" at least one of them?
Maybe it's a bacteria similar to cyano?


I thought about looking into one but wanted to get some opinions first so I don't kill some ultra-useful something or other.


I had the same thing on my rock when my tank was cycling. I just took the rock out, put it in a bucket of new saltwater, bought a new cheap toothbrush and scrubbed it off. I have no idea what it was, but I never saw it again.....