What is this?????????


Active Member
The stuff on top? Look like star polyps to me. They appear to be growing on a "base" which has peeled off...which is part of why I would say star polyps. But I may be missine what you are actually talking about.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Check out the hitch hiker thread in the archive. You'll find pictures of both feather dusters and aiptasia. I'm with Ophiura, they do look like star polyps or something related.


Active Member
Are they growing in like a vein like structure? or are they individual polyps?


they look like individuals. But they dissappear and then come back. I have an emperor angel hippo tang yellow tang a rainbow wrasse


i bought a spiny oyster the other day, and from the looks, i have the same thing on him. they look like star polyps, but are brown, but they have the same purple "mat" that they are growing on. hope someone can identify.


i agree looks like a star polyps i had them then my eel hid them in his house and couldnt get them lol

well it looks like its on a base so it looks like a frag can u pick it up then take a pic? and show us might help some


Well It could be some kind of polyp. Eveyday I see they look liked they got eaten but grows back. Empeorer Angel the culprit???????