What is this??????


New Member
I was wondering if anyone can tell me what this is and if it bad or not???? I have tons of them all over....

bang guy

It resembles branching coralline algae.
Is it brittle or soft?
Can you describe it better than what the picture shows? Any little fans? any color to it?


New Member
well they seem to be soft, It sways in the current and they are white. If you touch them it falls off.


New Member
I couldn't get a closer picture without it getting all blurry. It is only like a half an inch if that...


Active Member
Does it look like that? I'm just throwing a guess out there as to what your pic reminds me of. I think most peeps say to remove them.... I've never actually removed any of my hydroids. But I can't advice anyone else to do that. Hydroids sting.


Active Member
Cranberry - I think that is a tree foraminiferan perhaps. One of the many things that can cut and or feel like cactus spines if you handle LR. Doesn't seem quite like a hydroid, which has polyps (small polyps, but nonetheless...) similar to corals and anemones. Foraminiferans have those needle like projections but they are not in the pattern of tentacles like you would find in hydroids.
As for the original picture, I tend to agree with Bang - could be a type of finely branching calcareous algae (google Amphiroa as an example) but I wouldn't rule out much else either without a macro shot.
Here is a macro of a colonial branching hydroid:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Cranberry - I think that is a tree foraminiferan perhaps. One of the many things that can cut and or feel like cactus spines if you handle LR. Doesn't seem quite like a hydroid, which has polyps (small polyps, but nonetheless...) similar to corals and anemones. Foraminiferans have those needle like projections but they are not in the pattern of tentacles like you would find in hydroids.
Are you talking about my pic? Just want to make sure we are discussing the same thing. Unfortunately that pic of mine is old (if we are indeed talking about that one) and the details are lost. There were the little projectiles present like the macro shot you posted. Lemme see if I can find the closer yet blurrier version.


New Member
They are really soft and sways in the current. If you touch it it just falls off. I have hundreds of them and more keep appearing....Anymore ideas there tanking over my tank!!!!