what is this?


New Member

This is my first post with a picture, so I hope it turns out. I have these little mystery critters all over my tank...they are about 1.5 cm long, and are nocturnal. Their tips elongate to about 10 cm. They capture the amphipods. I'm not particularyly fond of them - but not sure what they are. They reproduce very quickly! Has anyone seen these guys before? Do you have any idea what they are?


New Member
So I see the picture didn't come out. :( Please check it out at <a href="http://www.geocities.com/danimink76/saltwatertank.html" target="_blank">www.geocities.com/danimink76/saltwatertank.html</a>
I appreciate it!

salty james

Sorry man... No idea what it is, but I have something similar in my LR, they spit their 'tenticle' in and out all the time.
Think they are some type of filter feeder. I have not had any problem with them though.
Hope this helps


Active Member
That looks like a Digitate Hydroid Some types have strong enough stings to harm certain reef inhabitants. They can cause problems in larg enough numbers.


Just a side note on this, I am pretty sure you can't imbed an image which is hosted on geocities which may be why the photo didn't work.
And I have no idea what the is.


New Member
Thanks guys! I'm slowly getting their numbers down - carefully scooping them up and disposing of them. I learned the hard way that they reproduce asexually. You fragment one, and you'll have 15 more to take its place!


Active Member
bionerd, was that a Digitate Hydroid as stated it may have been in an earlier post? just curious, in case one day I find one and can know thats what it is. Thanks


A friend of mine that has been in the business for over 15 years, and help to set up the salt water systems at the Columbus Zoo and COSI (Our science center) thinks he may know what they are. He called them Peanut worms and said that they are just detritovours. According to him they are not harmfull, but he was not 100% positive on that.


New Member
I have an e-mail in to a former biology professor who takes great pleasure in classifying mysterious critters. Haven't heard from him yet, but I definitely agree that is some sort of hydroid. I've never heard of a peanut worm - but that's a possibility I'll investigate as well. They haven't caused any problem with the other livestock in my tank...they aren't mobile, the fish avoid them (don't know if they sting) - but they do occasionally nab a pod. I just think they're ugly and don't wish to have them present. I'll let y'all know if I hear anything from the prof. Thanks for the help!


I believe those are called spagetti worms and they dont harm anything. I have tons in my tank. I read about them in a marine invertebrate book. im pretty sure thats what it is. I have never seen them out of water like that. maybe take a picture of one in the tank...