what is this??


New Member

i found this growing a few months ago. ive had this rock of over a year. i think its a anemone . can u please help me identify this ??


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by PEACEFISH http:///t/393232/what-is-this#post_3496738

i found this growing a few months ago. ive had this rock of over a year. i think its a anemone . can u please help me identify this ??
Pictures are hard to tell....does it kind of look like a snowflake and retract if you get too close to it and fan back out after a few moments or does the camera only pic up the tiny tips and it would only retract if you actually touch it?...the snowflake means it's is cool little a fan worm. If it does not retract until you touch it...it might be an aptasia anemone and they are bad to have and spread like crazy, you need Joes juice, aptasia X or peppermint shrimp to get rid of them and control them from spreading. I got the picture to enlarge...I'm leaning toward aptasia.

bang guy

Sorry, flower... I just noticed the dots on the tentacles after a closer look and changed my guess.
They are a stoney coral. If you feed it then it will grow and reproduce. If you do not feed it then it will probably die off. Any small bits of meaty seafood will work. They do not require light.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/393232/what-is-this#post_3496746
Sorry, flower... I just noticed the dots on the tentacles after a closer look and changed my guess.
They are a stoney coral. If you feed it then it will grow and reproduce. If you do not feed it then it will probably die off. Any small bits of meaty seafood will work. They do not require light.
Wow...I never found any cool hitchhikers like that on my rock...


New Member
it acts like a anemone it closes up slow and retracts into a small hole in my live rock.it has white bubble looking tips then a bright green color going down to a pink plate shape is pink with bright green rectangle shape pattern . the very middle is white and also rectangular . i moved him a few days ago because my large anemone was going after it..


New Member
it acts like a anemone it closes up slow and retracts into a small hole in my live rock.it has white bubble looking tips then a bright green color going down to a pink plate shape is pink with bright green rectangle shape pattern . the very middle is white and also rectangular . i moved him a few days ago because my large anemone was going after it..