What is this??


Active Member
I found a few of these behind my overflow wall. They are small about the size of a pencil eraser or smaller. I have like 6 of them. I tried to take a pic but my macro is junk. I drew a pic in paint.


I have tons of those - my sump is full of em - they are attached everywhere inside my overflows as well -


I have them as well in my sump and skimmer. I believe they are a harmless filter feeder. I have noted though they have about a 2 week life span then are replaced w/new ones. HTH


I've heard of them refered to as a vase sponge and I have lots. They have a high turnover rate but seem to reproduce well... my limpets love to eat em.
See Hydroid post above,
Your fine they are not bad if they look bad on the glass srcape them free they seem to show up when a tank stables out .
I noticed mine a year after a tank begins to stable up and work within proper prameters...Then they show up on underside of the rock work and in the over flows first.