What is this?

ok, these things just branch off the LR.
They are pink, and are really hard. I will try to use paint to draw a pic, no digi cam:(
So, anyone know what the bugger is?


If its pink, very hard and looks like a spikey little tree i have those too, what they are im not sure but they are growing on the underside of my LR


Active Member
i agree that they are probably foramniferans. these guys are tiny single celled animals that build calcareous homes(the pink structure) but stick their white filter feelers out to capture food. good guys to have, and if you see more and more of them, it is a sign that your tank is maturing!
good luck


A third vote for foraminiferans here. Search for Hitchhiker FAQ and you'll find a link with pics and info on them. I have them too and it took a while to find out what they are. Nohting to be concerned about.