What is with EVERYONE???


Sometimes, more knowledgeable hobbyists just get frustrated because they see the same mistakes over and over, and sometime the same person makes the same mistakes over and over even after having been well-advised--which can be very frustrating to those of us who seriously value marine creatures.
Beth- I agree with what you have said, however, the point I was trying to make in this thread is, suggest the correct action...see the response...and move on. There is no need for people to bash others all the time because they keep doing the same things over and over again. I understand about valuing the marine hobby and it's creatures. But we all make mistakes, some learn and some don't. Just remember that you tried to help and press on.

By the way, where is this "mod report" button you are talking about?


Active Member
The "report button" is at the upper right hand corner of the post boxes. Triangle outlined in red with exclamation mark in middle.



I think so people just take some things the wrong way in some cases. Its hard to tell how people mean things on the net when they can mean 10 diffrent things at once (if that made any sence to anyone) but ive notice it as well.


I totally understand what you are saying. Reading something can be interpreted so many ways.
Originally Posted by haze123
I think so people just take some things the wrong way in some cases. Its hard to tell how people mean things on the net when they can mean 10 diffrent things at once (if that made any sence to anyone) but ive notice it as well.


Active Member
mudplayerx said:
I just got a dose of rudeness for no reason at all in one of my posts. Maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion, but it irritated me highly.
Hey Mud, are ya sure it's not just you? I mean, after the hotel incident with your boss freaking out on ya over the girls ringing the buzzer and now this. . . .maybe you've developed an "air" or something? :thinking: Maybe you've just lost your sense of humor?

I'm just playing!
I know what you guys mean about recognizing Names and knowing you'll get good advice or see a GREAT pic or hear a great story or get a positive spin on a negative thread. I'll bet you all can think of a few names to associate with these descriptions. Thanks for sharing everyone. YOu too Mud.


Active Member
Come on Mud!
How can anyone get angry when we have dancing bananas????
Honestly!! THis is too cool!!


Active Member
I've only been here about a week . but I love the info I find on here . I have gotten more help from the forums just reading the threads than what LFS has done for me in a year. Half the time I think LFS employes think a tang is an orange falvored beverage. When I first got in to the hobby I was dead set on a shark and ray. well with the help of LFS they lasted a little over two months. I just wish I would have had eveybody's help back then. When I first asked about sharks the employes claimed I would need at least a five hundred gallon tank. When I asked about feeding instructions they told me FEEDER PIGS . :mad: needless to say I now drive across town to the not so local fish store. and still only belive about a tenth of what they tell me( does a panther grouper get 5-6 inches long or 18 same store 2 diffrent employes ). but back on topic YOU ALL ROCK . or should I say you all LIVE ROCK!


awe, dancin bananas are great, I luv em. And the chearleader is pretty cool too.
Lots of great people out here for the majority.
Beth, you were a tremendous help when I put my puffer through hyposalinity. He survived the whole ordeal and I almost lost him one night and my friends at this site cheered me up and on forward, I will never forget that.
Mudplayer, your a bright person and have lots of good posts and things to offer to help.
I also apprecaite mimzy and so many others.
I send so much time on this forum that I get protective and defensive if someone comes on the board that is a complete idiot about a topic that is not even related to the aquarium world and the person has offered no other usefull posts or questions. It is rare, but I do try to scare off people that are so far out in left or right field that they aren't in our ball game. One person started a thread and all they could talk about what how to bulk up his dog and make a chow chow pull cement blocks to bulk up. What a bozo. We don't need people like that on the forum. I sensed trouble with him.
Sometimes people on the forum have been in the fish hobby for a very long time and I can understand their frustration when they hear of people who have not tried to learn, read and study before they do something. However, on the flip side of the coin, I can honestly say that for many things in the saltwater hobby, there are always multiple opinions and it can get scary and frustrating sometimes as a newbie - not sure which is right and if there is only one or few ways to do something, why then is there so many different opinions.
For me, I found that I read all I could, everywhere, internet sites, books galore and then nestled my saltwater home here. On the freshwater world, I enjoy oscarspot.com
But, to be honest - the one source where I have learned the most and forumulated my opinions is on this forum. Great place and I thank the mods for managing it, and the people who belong this family on the swf forum that we all enjoy. I wish I new in memory peoples first names at least when I see their screen name and/or avitar. It would help to make the friendships even better.
I will say this much, (not like I don't blab on and on as it is heheheh
, there is no book that I own that even mentioned hyposalinity for treating ich. What a godsend this forum has been. I was hit with that within the first month I got my first fish. Very stressfull, but what folks said here on the forum was right on the money, no book told me about it, or how to administer it. I took twice as long to bring my fish salt level down and twice as long to come back up, but it didn't hurt him. I think I took a week to go down to hypo, stayed in hypo for about 6 or 7 weeks, and then took my sweet time coming backup, like 2 weeks. In fact, he has another couple notches to go before he is in full hypo. The slow process, extra slow I thought made the treatment work for sure and low stress on the fish, my presious puffer that I use as my avita. That is my little Ipo, we love him so much.
Anyow, I love to talk to you all - gotta zipper it and let someone else chat now.
I thank you friends, your awesome.