What is wrong with my BUBBLE TIP!!!


Active Member
OK, I think your missing my point, the clams may do fine under the PCs but the BTA IMO will not. But if it has opened fully befor and now hasnt for only a day then then give it time and see. They do love light but if it was in bad shape as you said when you got it then it may just need time to get acclimated to your tank. I hope thats all it is but doubt it. Dont move it anymore and if it moves on its own then let it. Try to feed it something like mysis or kreel. Freaks BTA looks perfectly healthy and I have had mine for nearly 5 years 12 inches from 250 watt MHs and looks just like his only much larger and has split twice in that time. You may want to change your bulbs if they are 9 mths or older.. Good luck with your job.....


It's not the lighting. Not because of what you have, cause I don't know, but because it's not yet bleached. If it were only lighting, it would bleach but otherwise look fine.
They deflate like that when they poop, could he simply be pooping?
How long has he been like this? How long have you had him?
(I skimmed)
Can you get a pic of his mouth?
The anemone in the first pic does not look like a "rose" to me... :notsure:


Oh I know he was trying to help. Outside of telling me that he works at a doo-doo plant. But him also telling me that he houses his under a 10K - also shows me that he doesnt even believe what he is saying. Either that or just doesnt know. The way that 4K to 20K is based on the water depth. 20K being the deepest spectrum for MH bulbs. Yet he is running his under 10K's saying that they are more light intensive? 10K bulbs put out about the same spectrum as a dayglow 96 watt PC bulb. Now if he would have said 6500K, I might have began taking his advice. But not someone that says an anemone is 'light intensive' and then sticks a MH bulb on their tank that is equal to 30-70 feet in depth in the real ocean.


Well, he is only 3 inches wide and spent the entire night eating a 1 inch piece of tilapia, HAHA.
I have had him about a week and he was curled up into the "ball of death" in the store that I purchased him from for THREE WHOLE DOLLARS!!!! (yes that includes tax)
I can probably get a pic of his mouth if he ever releases the other piece of fish that he is holding right now. I dont want to yank it away from him. Check it out. FATTY is what he is.
It's not like I can yank this thing away either. I tried very lightly to take it away from him and he wasnt giving it up. Now the rest of the fish and snails are hovering around him.


He is pushing all of his water out trying to push out that piece of food. He did not like it. What ever you give him in the future, if he does this, then do not give it to him again. Mine does this with Krill, but he likes squid and as a result, he never poops it back out.
Just keep a gentle current on him to help push the food out and otherwise let him be for a while.
Just for future reference, you may wanna give him much smaller pieces of food, especially the first time you introduce him to it.


You fed him last night, then again today? Maybe he's pushing it out simply because the first one hasn't been broken down and utilized yet...

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by jonnywater
So last night I fed him a piece of tilapia. The thing hasnt done much more then this all day. However he is still VERY attached to the rock of where he is at. Any ideas? Tilapia have to much iodine or something? Below is a pick of my Squamosa 2 weeks in. My Derasa is doing fine after 6 weeks of being under PC's and the Squamosa is doing even better.
give it more time will come back how long is light on?


Usually about 13 hours per day on average. I am looking further into clams. I spent the last 5 months researching lighting and what you can and can not do with certain lighting. For instance the reason that I am only keeping a Derasa and Squamosa (I found a home for the crocea). I read in numerous places that both require less light. I got my study of filtration and lighting out of the way, and now it is kind of hit or miss with breeds. The BT looks a little better.


Just FYI PC's penetrate the water better than VHO's. Ask Fenner or Borneman and they will agree on this. For some reason VHO's have been shown to give better coral growth from what I have researched. Anyways the bubble tip is fine under those lights and so are those clams. Although the color may not be intense they can definitly thrive. Johnny have you tried keeping any of the monti's? I have an orange encrusting monti at the top of my tank. 384 watts over a 75 gallon. So far it looks good. Coloring hasnt changed, yet.