What is wrong with my clown?


I came home this past weekend and found a BiColor Angel, a Diadema Basslet, and a Coral Beauty dead. I just now fished a Sand Sifting Starfish out.
My tank is crashing...


well, he is all but dead now, just laying on the crushed coral and gasping very hard
looks like the fins on his back are very tattered


kinda looks like velvet cant really tell cuz the pic is blurry.if your tank is crashing about the only thing one can say is let nature run its course.this happened to me a couple of years ago and i let it run through.then left the tank fishless for about 2 months.tank has been happy for awhile now.good luck.


Active Member
sorry to hear this, i lost a clown with the same white coating awhile back, but none of the other fish got it.


Originally Posted by paulcoates
Ph is around 8.0-8.1
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
Alk 3.5
Ammonia 0
Calcium 300
Water Temp 80
Specifc Gravity 1.29
I'm sure you ment Sg 1.029
That is way to high try to keep it between 1.024 and 1.026 max
Good Luck!


Active Member
look up Brooklynella on Beth's thread in the disease forum.
I wish you the best of luck. I'm so terribly sorry for your losses.
Please keep us posted...and don't give up!