What is your BEST kept secret for maintaining a healthy reef tank???


I thought this would be a good thread with all the "new" hobbyists after Christmas. (plus it will help us all out)..soooo..what is your best kept secret (or simple routine) that keeps your tank looking and functioning so great and keeping your little fishies so happy??!!?? ***)


It's not a secret, but a high quality skimmer is going to be the most important purchase you can make.


Active Member
enough water changes that you almost get sick of doing them.
honestly IMO, the most important thing is a set routine, do the same things on the same day of the week every week and dont deviate from that routine, makes for a more stable environment that way.


Active Member
Be patient. Don't overstock your tank. Make sure you know that your tank size is appropriate for the ADULT size of the fish you choose.

keith burn

Active Member
secret well not much of one but
imo go 2 time what your equment is for
if skimmer is for 65gal use it on a 30 gal
or if you have a 75gal get one for 150gal.
use this with all equment and cant go rong


Active Member
Be patient, research before you buy (anything -livestock or equipment), and make sure you can support the livestock before you buy - i.e. water quality, lighting, tank size for eventual growth, compatibility, feeding habits, supplements (calc and alk, etc.), and stability.


Active Member
Do NOT overfeed.
Do water changes evryother week after it is established
Do not over stock
NO TANGS in a small tank
Feed a variety of foods


Active Member
I think a good key is avoiding chemical additives, Snake Oils (i.e Stop Parasite), and unneeded suppliments. Don't add anything without knowing EXACTLY what is does and how it will effect your tank.


Active Member
Awesome Idea!!

I would have to say number one:experience, experience, experience, experience, experience,and more experience.
Over feeding would be next. I must admit that I am a sucker when it comes to my fish. All they have to do is wiggle their little fishy tails as I walk by the tank and that is all it takes to get me to add another cube of brine shrimp. But overfeeding is one of the biggest if not number on the list of the 10 worst things to do to your tank. Especially if your tank is not cycled.
Another important rule I follow: If I walk into a LFS and there are dead floating fish I am outta there. I can't tell you how many times I have heard sob storys about friends who bought home new fish and the entire tank died. The first question I ask them is???? And DING right again, yes there where all sorts of dead fish they said.
And you actually bought fish to take home :scared: Aye de Mi!!!!!!
The I have my rule of thumb
Every LFS I become a customer of gets 3 strikes, after that I am outta there. Something Fishy is the one store that I will still purchase from here in the twin cities. The rest of the 6 struck out big time. We should all start a thread about :scared: "Tales from the Tank". :scared: I sure we all have horror stories.
After all that I turn again to knowledge. I am 31, and got my 1st gold fish when I was 6. After that I begged my way into a ten gallon aquarium for christmas; I have been reading and inhaling information about fish, tanks, and such non stop since. My salt water addiction kicked in when I was 16. Since then I have been reading various books and attended a reef conference held in wisconsin. The more knowledge I gain the more obvious it becomes that the so called "specialist" (most mind you, not all)have no idea what they are talking about. Sadly for them it is all about the sale. So stick to your experiences!!!! DO NOT be talked down just because someone claims to be a "specialist"

Happy Tanking All!
Rykna :happyfish


Active Member
make sure the person your asking questions from at your LFS knows what they are talking about and not just guessing to make a sale.
the easiest way I have found to do this is mentally prepare three to five questions about marine aquaria that are somewhat common knowledge but not super easy, make sure you know the correct answers, then ask them of the person thats helping you. if they get any wrong, ask if there is some one who know more about marine stuff to help you. remeber people expiriences differ in this hobby so base your questions on fact not opinions.
also if you go in and ask for the person that knows the most about marine stuff you usually get that person, (even if they dont know much)
I usually do this to new employees and at new stores just for fun. (kinda mean I know but some of the answers to some questions are just so amusing I just cant help myself) I myself have a lot of respect for the employee who tells me they dont know the answer rather than the person who just trys to wing it.


Active Member
Here are my "secrets" that I tell people:
1. patience - if you rush into the hobby, you will also get frustrated and rush out.
2. research - know exactly how to care for the thing that goes into your tank BEFORE purchasing it.
3. water changes - be sure to get into a regular routine. Your tank will determine how often you should be cleaning. Every tank is different, just follow the water tests.
4. Have the right stuff - spend the money for equipment that you need, and get the right test kits. You need pH, kH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and a refractometer to test salinity
5. Set-up a quarantine tank before anything becomes an issue. Quarantine everything and save yourself all the work and heartache that is soon to follow.
6. feed the fish correctly and appropriately - if you are feeding too much or not feeding the right things, your fish will not be healthy


Active Member
Hey, don't forget the other amazing mods also. Viper is fantastic with corals, Squidd is the God of the equipment forum, Beth is the queen of disease and appropriate treatments, Ophiura is the Goddess of starfish, Thomas712 is the king of anemones and NM reef is awesome with corals and photography.

All incredibly helpful people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Hey, don't forget the other amazing mods also. Viper is fantastic with corals, Squidd is the God of the equipment forum, Beth is the queen of disease and appropriate treatments, Ophiura is the Goddess of starfish, Thomas712 is the king of anemones and NM reef is awesome with corals and photography.

All incredibly helpful people.
I'll second that