what is your centerpiece fish?



i agree, i love all my fish... but the ones that stand out the most(leader of the pack) would have to be my aus. sailfin tang and my chocolate yellow mimic tang... (my coral beauty as well, but i couldnt get a pic of him)


noah's nemo

I know its nothing fancy.I just love this little guy though.Eveyone else gets a kick out of him too..So i guess he's the center of attention.



Active Member
hawks are hard not to be the center piece when they sit there in the center watching you watch them.

but for beauty and cuteness I have to go with the sixline (hey I dont have anything exotic)


My favorite is my Blond naso tang he actually lets me pet him while he is eating seeweed from the seeweed clip


I really research my fish before I pick any species. I like fish that are not going to eat each other, easy to care for, are going to be visible and not hid all the time, and that don't harm my beloved ricodia and zoo's. So I am lucky to have an aquarium full of fish that I love. My perc clowns are always front and center and it was fun when they laid eggs and had baby Nemos. My mystery wrasse is totally cool and always checking out everything. My diamond goby ("Curmudgeon") is the fish that makes me laugh the most because he is always sifting sand and rearranging the sand to his specifications. He loves finding his little trinkets and carrying them around. But if I think about the fish I always look for first, its my Midas Blenny. Just like Spider Woman said earlier, they are beautiful fish and so interesting to watch.


Mine would probably have to be my Female Bellus Angel, or my 4-line Wrasse. He snaps his fins by the glass every time I walk up, waiting for me to feed everyone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanLover
I really research my fish before I pick any species. I like fish that are not going to eat each other, easy to care for, are going to be visible and not hid all the time, and that don't harm my beloved ricodia and zoo's. So I am lucky to have an aquarium full of fish that I love. My perc clowns are always front and center and it was fun when they laid eggs and had baby Nemos. My mystery wrasse is totally cool and always checking out everything. My diamond goby ("Curmudgeon") is the fish that makes me laugh the most because he is always sifting sand and rearranging the sand to his specifications. He loves finding his little trinkets and carrying them around. But if I think about the fish I always look for first, its my Midas Blenny. Just like Spider Woman said earlier, they are beautiful fish and so interesting to watch.
That queen trigger is one of the meanest fish you can buy and it never killed any of its tankmates. In the pic he is nicely swimming with a flagfin angel.
Same goes with the golden puffer.


I'd have to say right now my favorite fish is my blue spotted jaw fish. Then my hugh sebae anemone with his black clown.



New Member
Here is a picture of my centerpiece, he is 2.5ft long and mostly active in early evening to late evening