what is your christmas list?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Is Chanuka Harry coming down my chimney for some seven layer cake and Manichevitz? I'm sooo excited now... I've got shpilkes.

dont gimme that hanuka harry poop. u know u get Chanuka presents. everyone gets Chanuka presents; gelt (money) is a Chanuka tradition that morphed into gifts when the rest of the world went commercial. it started with GELT. Hanuka Harry started with Santa Claus; Santa Claus is NOT Jewish. Gelt IS.
So, you get Chanuka presents. You do NOT get hanuka harry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
dont gimme that hanuka harry poop. u know u get Chanuka presents. everyone gets Chanuka presents; gelt (money) is a Chanuka tradition that morphed into gifts when the rest of the world went commercial. it started with GELT. Hanuka Harry started with Santa Claus; Santa Claus is NOT Jewish. Gelt IS.
So, you get Chanuka presents. You do NOT get hanuka harry.
Actually, growing up I never got Chanuka presents. My family had a couple of deaths during Chanuka and we really never celebrated much. Next to the menorah are the Yuhrezeit candles (sp?). Actually, that reminds me... have to pick up a couple.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Actually, growing up I never got Chanuka presents. My family had a couple of deaths during Chanuka and we really never celebrated much. Next to the menorah are the Yuhrezeit candles (sp?). Actually, that reminds me... have to pick up a couple.

sorry to hear about the losses in your family. for some reason the summertime is when all the yartzeits fall in mine


Well-Known Member
Let me see...
1. A 1600 gallon reef tank and all of the money to run it for 10 years
2. A new house
3. A new Fishing Boat
4. A desert Eagle
5. All my credit card debt paid.
That's what I want... This is what I'm going to get:
1. A new jacket
2. New Shoes
3. Electric shaver
4. somehow I always get a stuffed animal every year...
5. A puzzle
6. A novel
7. Money
Could be any combination of two of those... One of course will be a stuffed animal.
Don't you like it when you give your relative a card with $20 in it, and then she gives you a card with $20 in it.. Then you compair prices of the cards... hahaha
Merry Christmas everyone - even though it's before Thanksgiving.


Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
gears 2 or fable 2
blackberry pearl
$$$ for livestock
farcry 2
Hey, I had a Blackberry Pearl for 6 mos or so on Verizon Wireless and it was pretty crappy. (I'll sell it for 50$) Always going to VM and I wouldn't recieve VM for 2-3 hrs later an 8703 has to be their most reliable model, although you feel your talking to a calculator. I ended up going back to my old razr. Go with something else.