What is your fav tv show


Montel williams( when silvia brown is on)
That's when I watch it too! Whats your opinion on her? Or even psychics in general? It's definitely interesting to watch and see what she has to say, as well as the peoples reactions. I'm just not sure how accurate the things she says are. Do you notice how many people she tells to have their vascular system checked? And when she tells people they have angels, she seems to just throw out the first names that come to her head. I'm not sure though...I wonder if she'll ever get proven wrong...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Torno
That's when I watch it too! Whats your opinion on her? Or even psychics in general? It's definitely interesting to watch and see what she has to say, as well as the peoples reactions. I'm just not sure how accurate the things she says are. Do you notice how many people she tells to have their vascular system checked? And when she tells people they have angels, she seems to just throw out the first names that come to her head. I'm not sure though...I wonder if she'll ever get proven wrong...
She’s good...she's on the show every week. I think she's great, but she can get a little strange lol...she said the world in going to end in like 90 years? I have read a few of her books, and they are really interesting. I was going to see her in SF last November...I plan on going this year. I totally believe the whole psychic thing...after reading some of her books I have noticed things, and boy is it crazy lol...now things just pop into my head, and it like happens...craaaaazy i guess it's deja vous? b/c i dont think anything of it until it happens :notsure: What are your thoughts about her?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
My favorite T.V. shows are (Whenever I watch T.V. ,which is very rare)
Green Acres
The Andy Griffth Show
I Love Lucy
Paula Deen's Show
Alton Brown's Show
ooo i love Alton Brown...and iron chef Japan. haha


ESPN wed night fights
HBO After Dark boxing
family Guy
Robot Chicken
Curb your enthusium
Family Business

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
ESPN wed night fights
HBO After Dark boxing
family Guy
Robot Chicken
Curb your enthusium
Family Business

Yeah, I forgot about HBO Boxing After Dark, UFC Fight Nights, and ESPN Wednesday Night Fights.
I didn't really care for seasons 1, 2, or 3 of the UFC show, and I am definately not watching season 4.

mr. guitar

ooo i love Alton Brown...and iron chef Japan. haha
Do you like his new show...Feasting on Asphalt? I've only seen in once and I enjoyed it. I like his other show 100 times better because everything he does has to deal with Science! That one of the reasons why I like it. My mom can't stand his show. hahaha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Do you like his new show...Feasting on Asphalt? I've only seen in once and I enjoyed it. I like his other show 100 times better because everything he does has to deal with Science! That one of the reasons why I like it. My mom can't stand his show. hahaha.
NO! lol i think its a waste of show space. I used to hate Alton but ya know what? he kinda grows on you...plus the scientific stuff is cool. i watch him all the time now... im watching him now! ***)

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by DeMartini
NO! lol i think its a waste of show space. I used to hate Alton but ya know what? he kinda grows on you...plus the scientific stuff is cool. i watch him all the time now... im watching him now! ***)
Yeah, it's a waste of show space but it's interesting...he wrecked his bike on one show!
I think he either sprained his arm or broke it.