What is your favorite animal?


New Member
Fishnerd, please send me an email (vcard available). This is in reference to the sohal tang and 17th floor of pratt and light


Frogs...Glorious Frogs :joy: I can't wait to have a kid so I can paint a mural of Kermit playing the banjo in the swamp :jumping:


Active Member
Ok first of all my favorite phylum is the fish phylum but in the :animal phylum: lijaguleps a hybrid of a lion and a lepjag, jagulep, or a jagleop. jaguleps and jagleops are the hybrid of a jaguar and a leopardess, while a lepjag is a cross between a leopard sire and a jaguar.
bird phylum:
reptile phylum:
amphibian phylum:
hellbender tied with the caecilian
fish phylum:
Coelacanth but in second place is the ribbon fish( i couldnt find pic)
also in the invertebrate category :cheer: horseshoe crab
runner ups: mantis and pistol shrimp sorry they just didnt make it



Some of you are silly. lol. I guess mine would be..............chimps. I like to know someone I can have a stimulating conversation with


Active Member
Greyhounds, Barred Owls, Peregrine Falcons, Greyhounds, Ocelots, Domestic Cats, and....oh yeah... Greyhounds.


greyhounds are great dogs! Have you adopted one? I'm not too good with animals that require affection, so furry things are out, but if I DID get a dog, I'd want a greyhound!


Active Member
Well favorite pet would be my cat Felix. But favorite animal in general would have to be a cuttlefish. Smart, beautiful and still mysterious. Here's a pic of one.


Active Member
d,oh i completely forgot the cephalopods so in that category it would be : the nautilus.
a wonderful insight into mathmatical fractals.


Active Member
Hey Eric- Greyhounds ROCK!!
Can't adopt one yet - we've already got more animals than our lease allows...shhhh!! Don't tell!

But we DO volunteer every few weekends to go and spend time socializing the ones at a rescue near us. The dogs need to be taught what a couch is, what a door is, what stairs are...they've spent ALL their lives at the track in kennels and have never SEEN the stuff you'd find in a house!! It's unbeleivable...and really funny trying to teach them to walk up the stairs

They do need a lot of affection - they are very clingy dogs. Everything's a miracle to them, and they need constant reassurance.
They are ALSO the BIGGEST couch potatos on EARTH!! They run for 15 minutes and theyre out for 2 days.... anything soft man, no chair/pillow/couch is safe!!! It shall emmediatly be claimed by a dog 3 times your size!! :joy:
E-mail me if you want more info - I could go on for hours. We're going to adopt in 6 mos when we move to a place with better pet policies, I've got bajillions of links you can check out with info!!!

lil gobie

I have 2 grey hounds both retired an theyare well they were very sucecful racing dogs one had to retire because it broke its ankle and the other one is just to old and is only 3 the other one is 2 and yes they are the best dog i have ever hadthey are just like big cats
unless u take them out side and run them around a bit these dogs are sweet i think every one should have one


New Member
Favorite animal is the alligator. It looks tough on the outside but really it isn't all that scary. I guess this is why a gator is my latest and greatest tatoo.