what is your favorite board game?


I love playing board games. Monopoly, Scrabble, Life, Battleship, Scategories, Scrabble, you name it. I taught my son to play chess at a very early age. He has been kicking my butt since he was about 10. Not that I am not good at it, he just has an awesome mind for it. He was in competitions in fifth grade.


Active Member
I call shenanigans on no electricity. I definitely picked up this game from the board game aisle at Toysrus, nestled between a ton of other board games.
Battledome baby!



Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I call shenanigans on no electricity. I definitely picked up this game from the board game aisle at Toysrus, nestled between a ton of other board games.
Battledome baby!

are you the harry potter lookin mofo?