What is your favorite Coral?


Active Member
I've been trying to come up with a plan for my tank on what coral and what coral to put where. I was wondering what everyone's fav coral was? Mine so far is the Birdsnest...
I would post a pic but I don't have one yet... :( ... a Birdsnest that is.


Active Member
Ugh. You shouldn't have asked this. Cause now I'm overthinking which ones I like more and it is starting to hurt my brain. I love em all dang it! :D


I'd have to go with my toadstool pictured below. I love to sit and watch the polyps sway back and forth with the current.


Active Member
I like the red brains I dont have one yet but soon will I love broomers red brain ahhhhhhhhhhhhh:cool:
Heres a cool red brain


Red and green wesophillia. dont have one yet, got a spot staked out for him. So far favorite coral is my branching hammer coral and a close runner up being the fox coral.