What is your longest lived?


What is your longest lived coral and fish/invert and how long?
fish: true perc (2 years)
bta: 2 years
coral: finger leather - 1-1/2 yrs.


Everyone says it is difficult to keep a carpet, but I have found that it is the hardiest and easiest to keep invertebrate that I have ever owned.
I rarely feed it, maybe once every two or three months. I just make sure it has good lighting and that is about all. I have two clowns that have been hosting in it for years and they take care of feeding it. Before I cook fresh shrimp I usually set one aside for the anemone and feed him that.


snowflake eel, and a purple tang...both about 3 years old.
Cleaner shrimp (x3) all about 2 years old.
And for the first two years, I had NO idea what I was doing (not that i know what I am doing now...but that's another story), so this is a testament to how sturdy mine are...I am hearing "i'm a survivor" playing in the background right now!
Coral, well only had those for about a year now, but I have yet to lose one....so rics, zoanthids, LPs (hammer and frogspawn), tubistrae, and shrooms.
I am sure some poeple are about to make those efforts look puny...but it just shows, we still have so much to learn!

tru conch

Active Member
currently my oldest fish is a golden head sleeper goby, at over 2 years now.
same with some shrooms.
everything else is over a year as of right now


I don't have a blue carpet, it is the green variety.
I will try to get some pics up soon. Right now the anemone is kind of shrunk up because the clowns laid their eggs to close to it and they keep bitting it to keep it away from the eggs. That has happened on a few other occasions as well.


Blue Damsel and 4-Stripe Damsel are about a year old. Our cycling fish that we've become attached to.
CBS who entered the tank about month afterwards.
Button Polyps and Purple Shrooms are about 6 Mos. now.
Still a newbie!:D


2, 4-striped damsels, hold overs from my cycle 2 years and 2 months ago. GF wouldn't let me trade them in.
Toadstool leather/button polyp combo - 1 year 8 months.
Pearl Bubble - (been through hell and back) 1 year 5 months


When I first got it the carpet would move around quite a bit. I also lost a couple of tangs and two cleaner shrimp during that period to the carpet. After the first year or so, it found a place that it really liked and stayed there. When I upgraded my 75 to a 120, I put it in about the same place in the tank and it hasn't moved in 2 years.


Maroon clown - 10 years
Frogspawn, green brain, mushrooms, polyps, other assorted corals - 4 years
That maroon clown was a bad ass. He survived me moving 5 times and a FO tank crash when I was a newbie.


How often and what do you feed your carpet, I have tried a blue and a white but both died within 6 months, believe I may have been overfeeding?


I rarely feed the carpet. Maybe once every three months or so. When I do feed it, I feed it fresh Louisiana brown shrimp, speckled trout or red fish pieces. I only feed it fresh seafood that I have caught or obtained fresh. I don't think I have ever bought any frozen foods from the pet store to feed it.
My anemone is not huge, nor do I want it to be. I would say it has the diameter of a small cantalope. Anemone's need light more than they need food to sustain themselves.
What is funny about this anemone is that I bought it when I first started in this hobby and really knew nothing about keeping a saltwater tank. I didn't even have lights on my tank when I started and I put this anemone in the tank. The tank was located in a room that had windows for walls on two sides so it got a tremendous amount of sunlight the first year that I had it. Then I moved and put it under VHOs and that is all it has ever needed to remain healthy and happy. It is at the bottom of my tank near one side next to a rock. It never moves more than half an inch to either side.
I have moved or changed tanks 5 times since I have had this anemone and it always comes through like a champ. Really a hardy animal.


I have 4 @#$%^&* damsels that have been alive for about 4 years now. Actually I like two of them and none of them harass my other fish.


i have had an LTA for about 12 months now :) my tank is only about 14 months old so ntohing else is liek him :)



I have two clowns that have been hosting in it for years and they take care of feeding it.

What kind of clowns? I have a green carpet also. I had an clarkii clown that took to it right away, but he died. I now have a perc (and will be getting another one soon) but he doesn't go anywhere near it.


Two percula clowns. I have had them for years. They are both tank raised and they didn't know what to do with the anemone at first either. It took them a few months to take to it. I guess since they were tank raised they had no idea what it was.
Your carpet looks about the same size as mine, although mine is a little darker.