what is your reef tank temp?


New Member
Just to add to the madness... I live in AZ, very hot. A few summers ago my AC went out. At that time I had no chiller and the tank stayed about 82. When the AC went out the tank hit 87, I lost everything
. Since then, chiller, tank at 77, and a UPS that I took from my computer setup, who cares about computers when you have much more invested in the tank.


New Member
77.7 -79 I run 2 fans one on the wall even with the water surface and another on the floor tilted up to hit the bottom of the MH lights. Helps with PH also.


Hi All!
Very interesting and informative post! Last year I started the project of tearing down my 75 gallon and turning it into a sump/fuge for a new 120 gallon. I have just finished the project of setting up my new system. I could not figure out why this tank was running so much hotter then the old but from bangs post I am assuming it is because this tank has ALOT more waterflow (and alot more pumps)!!
My tank just recently cycled
and I have the same question as amphicar77. I have a reefkeeper2 controller and during my cycle the tank was running at around 83 my metal halides would never come on as the reefkeeper was set to cut them off below this temp. My target temp is 78 and my heater NEVER came on. On occasion during the cycle I turned the MH's on manually to see what would happen to the temp and the tank would get up to around 86 (that was with the fan in the hood which is always running on)
My TradeWind chiller arrived yesterday and it seems my chiller and heater are fighting a war.
I have the reefkeeper set to heat the tank up to 78 degrees and the chiller comes on at 79.3 and off at 78.1 as soon as the chiller goes off the heater goes on and as soon as the heater goes off the chiller goes on.
I know that I can solve this by changing the tempatures to be a little further apart but I thought that too much temp fluctuation was a bad thing!!! Can anyone give advise for some good settings that will end this war yet not cause to much water fluctuation???


Moorea2.....turn off that heater and see how far the temp drops below 78.1 when the chiller turns off.....then set your heater .5 degrees below that......you may decide that's it's better to raise the lower chiller limit to 78.5. Your controller may turn off your chiller at 78.1....but, the residual cooling will still continue to cool your tank for a few more tenths of degrees. You have to determine what that swing in temp is before you can program effectively.


Thanks steveweast
I programmed it for the chiller to go off at 78.2 and the heater has not come on since. I am a little scared to see what my electric bill will be next month!


Bonebrake thanks, that is my baby Buddy...
He is actually not a chow chow he is a Eurasia and he is a beautiful boy.
He is my other hobby as I will be breeding him when he is ready. He is what is keeping me sane as I try to put this fish tank together. He cost a fraction of the price and came ready to play... no assembly required and no patience necessary.


As an after thought....
The tempature of my tank is now 84 degrees, my two day old chiller broke a few hours ago!!!! Back to no lighting.


Active Member
Eurasia eh? I never heard of that breed, but I am by no means a knowledgeable when it comes to dogs. He looks a lot like my Chow Chow I had growing up in the face but less hairy!


You have a good eye. They are a cousin to the chow. They are very rare in america. They are recognized by the canadian kennel club and a bunch of clubs in germany. In the 1920's they were breed from the chow and the german wolf dog (aka - keashound). That is how they got their name an asian and a european dog!


Active Member
Very interesting Moorea!
My apologies to everyone else for taking the thread off topic!
