What Is Your Sg


Originally Posted by T316
1.026, and I don't even check any more, maybe once every six months. Water changes are down to an art, but larger tanks don't show the flaws in minor fluctuations like smaller tanks do. If I had a nano
, I probably couldn't sleep at night.
Yeah, me either. Truth be told I barely keep up with my 55


Originally Posted by tracymace1229
might want to check your hydrometer to confirm that reading. Red Sea fish would do nicely with that....I think 1.028 is natural for them.
Take a sample to the LFS and see if they test it the same. My Hydrometer just went bad and was reading 1.030, but really it was 1.025
....I accidentally freaked out and did 2 water changes and dropped my SG to 1.022.
I have since bought a couple new hydrometers.
Anyone have a good preference for a refractometer???
I'm currently using a refractometer, and I find that it's 10 times better than my old hydrometer. Definitly get a refractometer if you can.


Active Member
I keep mine at 1.025, if I didn't have any corals I would much prefer to have it at 1.020. Fish are more active at lower SG, and less susceptible to many diseases. I know one of the bigger online sites keeps any tanks housing corals at 1.025, and any tanks with just fish at 1.019.


Active Member
Mine is at .023 and no issues. I know of a LFS at has thier fish ONLY tanks at .015 to stop ich COLD. Trouble is this place still thinks that Crushed Coral is the best Subsrtate their is that tell you how far behind the times he is.