what is your stock list


55g - Right now
1 green chromis
1 toby puffer
1 emerald crab
5 hermits
3 large narcissius snails
3 small snails
Looking at adding (over the next several months):
1 Coral Beauty
1 Maroon/Gold Clown
1 Christmas or other small fairy wrasse
1 dwarf lion (maybe)
1 snowflake eeel (maybe instead of the dwarf)
5 - 10 cerinth snails
1 green bristle star
2 purple or sputnik urchins
1 gregorian yellow
1 red tree sponge


in my 55 gallon.
4 green chromis
2 skunk clowns
2clark clowns
2 maroon clowns
2 tomato clowns
1 domino damsel
2 three strip damsels
1 pixie hawk (my fav.)
1 halfback angel
1 green serpent star
2 knobby stars
1choc.chip star
1 coral banded shrimp
5 sm. peppermint shrimp
1 monkey shrimp


You have 17 fish in your 55? What's the bio load like, and how often to you need to clean and do water changes in that puppy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ufo8micats
in my 55 gallon.
4 green chromis
2 skunk clowns
2clark clowns
2 maroon clowns
2 tomato clowns
1 domino damsel
2 three strip damsels
1 pixie hawk (my fav.)
1 halfback angel
1 green serpent star
2 knobby stars
1choc.chip star
1 coral banded shrimp
5 sm. peppermint shrimp
1 monkey shrimp
Too many clowns! Only one pair of one species per tank is what I recommend. Too much aggression and territorial fish. Pick a pair, dump the rest. Also most people wouldn't suggest damsels because they're fast and aggressive so if you ever want to get it out, it's impossible. I'd get rid of the clowns except two(or a pair) and the damsels. That way you can add some other cool fish.IMO
100Gal Hex
100lbs of LF
80 lb of LS
Yellow Tang
(2) Pur Clowns
Scooter bleeny
(3) Green Chrom
Coral Beauty
Flame Hawk
(3) Emrald Crabs
Fire Shrimp
Coral banded shrimp
(10) pepermint shrimp....(ordered 5... Got 10
20-25 Hermits
15-20 turbo snails
brital star


Longtime I posted after the breakout...Researched all I could and decided to be as responsible as possible sorry for all that I don't really like to think of it.
My 125 fowlr contains of.
1 Atlantic Blue Tang *SWF ordered*
1 Blackback Butterfly *SWF ordered*
1 Reef Butterfly *SWF ordered*
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Bicolor Angel
1 Foxface
All are pretty small,except for the Reef Butterfly.I really like him,He is the boss of the tank and really is an eating-machine.I would like to take pics of him one time he is a great fish
Oh and if somebody could answer,Are they a rare fish,or just a rarity in the hobby?
All my fish eat a diet of Formula 2 Mysis dipped in Garlic Extreme.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Scarface
Yeah that naso probably will be but i think around next year Im going to do a 300 gallon so that should make him happy but right now he seems fine, eating very healthy and such.
The achilles and mandarian ive had for about 10 months-there doing really well

sweet im getting a 300 tall from glass cages in the fall gonna be reef

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by usefulidiot213
100Gal Hex
100lbs of LF
80 lb of LS
Yellow Tang
(2) Pur Clowns
Scooter bleeny
(3) Green Chrom
Coral Beauty
Flame Hawk
(3) Emrald Crabs
Fire Shrimp
Coral banded shrimp
(10) pepermint shrimp....(ordered 5... Got 10
20-25 Hermits
15-20 turbo snails
brital star
what is a hundred pounds of LF?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
sweet im getting a 300 tall from glass cages in the fall gonna be reef
Sweet. I'm still in the planning stages but hopefully I'm going to get a 270g custom tank from them.


As soon as I move to my new place (by October 1st) I will be setting up a 150 gal reef. My wish list is as follows;
150lbs LS
150lbs LR
Lemonpeel Angel
Kole Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Tennent Tang
5 Banggai Cardinals
2 Percula Clowns
Mandarin Dragonet (eventually)
4 Anthias (Disbar, Purple Queen or Pink Square)
Blue leg Hermits
Emerald Crabs
Snails (haven't decided what kind(s) yet)

Blue Palm
Chili Coral
Fox Coral
Devil Hand Leather
Yellow Fiji Leather
Elegance Coral
Hammer Coral
Orange Sun Coral
Pulsing Xenia
Various Mushrooms


Active Member
55g w/ 5" female undulatus trigger
29g w/ flame hawk, black ocellaris, yellow damsel, assorted soft corals
Nothing too exciting
Originally Posted by sign guy
what is a hundred pounds of LF?
Yeah.... Thats my fat fingers at work again.. I ment LR... Where the "F" came from I have no idea...


Active Member
maroon clown
eibli angel
lawnmower blenny
pink fairy wrasse
hawaiian blue puffer
5 emeralds
4 scarlet hermits
1 blue hermit
4 turbos
9 nassarius snails
2 yellow cucumbers
2 peppermint shrimp
no corals yet


New Member
in my 75 gallon i have:
1 percula clown
1 yellow tang
1 coral beauty
1 bicolor blenny
1 royal gramma
1 pink tip anemone
1 candycane coral
1 green ricordea mushroom polyp
1 pincushion urchin
10 astrea snails
5 scarlet hermit crabs
1 red gorgonian
1 yellow gorgonian


New Member
I've got a 75 gal
100# LS
30# LR with another 50# in route
1 Yellow Tang
2 Blue Damsels
Started with 5 blue hermits but at last count, I had 8
bunch of snails
2 Percula Clowns
carpet anenome
a few emerald craps
After I upgrade my lights, I want to start putting in some corals


Active Member
75 gallon:
1 Octopus Filosus (Caribbean Two-Spot Octopus)
40 lbs live rock
40 lbs base rock (limestone and lace rock)
Lots of macro algae
Various hermits and snails, all slowly becoming Octopus food.
60 gallon cube:
30 lbs base rock (basically live rock now, after 2 years)
3 Hippocampus Erectus
1 Alligator Pipefish
1 Pearly Jawfish
1 Scooter blenny
1 Green Mandarin
1 Citron Clown Goby
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 huge Red Serpent Star
1 huge Brittle Star
Various soft corals and Gorgonians (non-stingy types)
Various snails
Porcelain Anemone Crab (hosts Ricordias)
30 gallon:
1 Antennarius Multiocellatus (Long-lure Frogfish/Angler)
Various soft corals
several Serpent Stars
~30 lbs live rock

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by stingray7469
in my 75 gallon i have:
1 percula clown
1 yellow tang
1 coral beauty
1 bicolor blenny
1 royal gramma
1 pink tip anemone
1 candycane coral
1 green ricordea mushroom polyp
1 pincushion urchin
10 astrea snails
5 scarlet hermit crabs
1 red gorgonian
1 yellow gorgonian
very nice list how old is your tank?