what is your stock list


1x Tailspot Blenny
1x Blue Hawaiian Spotted Puffer
1x Whitecheek Tang
2x Percula Clownfish
3x blue/green chromis
1x Annularis angelfish
1x Niger Trigger
*Turbo/Astrea Snail: 5
*Nasssarius Snail: 10
*Cleaner Shrimp: 2
*Peppermint Shrimp: 2
*Emerald Crab: 6
*Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10
*Redleg Hermit Crab: 5
*Cerith Snail : 15
*Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab: 5


Been a while guess ill update my list..
some stuff have come and gone...
75 Gallon
Fiji and tonga branch live rock
Live sand
Swallowtail Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Sixline Wrasse
Royal Gramma
Yellow Watchman Goby
Percula Clownfish
3 Green Chromis
neon goby
2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Japanese Pistol
Tiger Pistol
Pom Pom crab
Porcelain crab
Bubbletip Anenome
Scarlet Red Hermits
Blueleg hermits
Margarita snails
Trochus snails
Astrea snails
Nassarius snails
3 sexy shrimp
Bubble coral
Hydnophora horn coral
P. Xenia
Fox coral
Greenstar polyps
Trumpet coral
Blushing finger leather
Leather toadstool
Green mushrooms
Purple mushrooms
Pagoda Cup
Various Zoas

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
Been a while guess ill update my list..
some stuff have come and gone...
75 Gallon
Fiji and tonga branch live rock
Live sand
Swallowtail Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Sixline Wrasse
Royal Gramma
Yellow Watchman Goby
Percula Clownfish
3 Green Chromis
neon goby
2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Japanese Pistol
Tiger Pistol
Pom Pom crab
Porcelain crab
Bubbletip Anenome
Scarlet Red Hermits
Blueleg hermits
Margarita snails
Trochus snails
Astrea snails
Nassarius snails
3 sexy shrimp
Bubble coral
Hydnophora horn coral
P. Xenia
Fox coral
Greenstar polyps
Trumpet coral
Blushing finger leather
Leather toadstool
Green mushrooms
Purple mushrooms
Pagoda Cup
Various Zoas
thats alot of inverts dose everyone get together ok?


75g Reef
70-75lbs Live rock
60 lbs live sand
-Percula Clownfish
-Green Chromis
-Neon Goby
-Engineer Goby
-Kole Tang
-Bicolor Angel
-2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
-Sally lightfoot crab

-Green Star Polyps
-Yellow Polyps
-Bubble Coral
-Red Mushrooms
-Chocolate Mushrooms
-Kenya Tree
-some type of Acro
-Blue Mushroom
-Green Rics
-Green centered button polyps


Active Member
1 niger trigger, 1 gold stripe maroon clown and his Gbta1 purple codyalctic anenome, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 manderine dragonett, 2 green chromis, 1 blue damsil, 1 scooter blenny, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 camel shrimp (not a pep shrimp) , various mushrooms, some type of xenia.
My son has 1 blue hawaiian puffer, 2 green chromis, 2 yellow tail damsil's, and a big friggin hermit crab (surprised the puffer has not eaten it yet)


55 gallon
70 lbs LR
2 firefish
2 tomato clowns
1 blue sided fairy wrasse
1 diamond goby
2 camel shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
1 arrow crab
several hermits and snails
green brain lobo
kenya tree
green star polyps


Originally Posted by sign guy
thats alot of inverts dose everyone get together ok?

yeah they do no problems...
nass snails stay in the sand... digging around coming up when they smell food..
the margarita, astrea and trochus snails spend there time on the glass and rocks eating.
the cleaners are always hanging out together go all over the tank...
the blood shrimp stays on the left side.. but will chase the cleaners out of his space when he sees them but nothing big there.
the Porcelain crab spends his time under the bubble coral.. filtering the water flow..
Pompom crab hides in this one hole.. comes out at night for leftover food.. no probs...
the anemone hardly moves.... happy at his spot... with his clownfish.
all the hermits do is drag there shells all over the tank... eat off the algae sheets i stick on pieces of rock for them... and the fishes...
the Sexy shrimp hide in my Frogspawn.. they always search for food around close to the frogspawn.. no problems there..
the japanese pistol has a cave on the right side under a rock.. ive never seen him move from there...
the tiger pistol is in the middle of the tank.. he has all these tunnels dug going all over the tank... and paired up with the yellow watchman...
i sometimes hear the pistols snapping at each other at night... im thinking the tiger was digging near its area... but that isnt really a problem . they stop after a few seconds...
ive had that group of inverts for a long time now
i want go get the blood shrimp a partner
would it be ok to add? or will it ruin everything?

sign guy

Active Member
that is cool I think it might be a good idea to build an invert tank one day. how old is your tank you seem to know where everything is

coral keeper

Active Member
My 8 gallon bio cube.
1 baby Maroon clownfish
1 Cleaner Shrimp
4 Margarita snails
Live rock
Chaeto algae
Torch Coral
Metallic Green Torch Coral
Toad Stool
Thats it.


Originally Posted by sign guy
that is cool I think it might be a good idea to build an invert tank one day. how old is your tank you seem to know where everything is

About 2 years.
150 gal.
Yellow Tang (Sunny)
Blue Hippo Tang (Dori)
Kole Tang (Ups)
Purple Firefish (Streak)
2-Percs (Thing 1 & Thing 2)
Scooter Blenny (Fred)
Lawnmower Blenny (Stewie)
2-Green Chromies (Mutt& Jeff)
Sally lightfoot (sally)
Coral banded shrimp (Jauque?)


37 gal:
Gold Stripe Maroon Clown
Lawnmower Blenny
Ricordia, mushrooms, and zoa frags
100 gal:

Pair of Ocellaris Clowns
Pair of Scissortail Gobies
Pair of juvenile Banggai Cardinals
Yellow Watchman Goby
Purple Tang
LPS dominated-Hammers, Frogspawn, Torch, Lobophyllia, Scolymia, Blastos, Acan frags, Chalice. Also Purple LTA and Yellow Figi Leather.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, hear is my stock list in my 150 .
Queen angel fish
clown tang
hippo tang
yellow tang
fox face lo
corris wrasse
blue spotted jaw fish
cleaner wrasse
blonde naso tang
royal gamma
coral banded shrimp
2 green chromis
orange tailed blue damsel
And I'm enjoying every moment


Im trying to find out if I have to many fish in my tank..They all seem to be doing well, but Im aware they will all grow up. I would like to find out before the become uncomfortable..I have 2 friends that are setting up tanks and could pass along a fish or two if need be.
120g (reef in progress)
125lbs lr
120 lbs ls
2 yellow tangs
1 blue hippo tang
1 clown tang
I koran angel
1 pj cardinal
2 damsels ( finding a new home as soon as I can catch them)
2 perc clowns
I have several hermit crabs ( I would love to find a new home for)
sand sifting star
choc chip star
2 serpent sea stars
and a few snails ( had more but the darn hermits keep killing em)
lots of empty shells for the hermits
2 mushroom polyps

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Staci
Im trying to find out if I have to many fish in my tank..They all seem to be doing well, but Im aware they will all grow up. I would like to find out before the become uncomfortable..I have 2 friends that are setting up tanks and could pass along a fish or two if need be.
120g (reef in progress)
125lbs lr
120 lbs ls
2 yellow tangs
1 blue hippo tang
1 clown tang
I koran angel
1 pj cardinal
2 damsels ( finding a new home as soon as I can catch them)
2 perc clowns
I have several hermit crabs ( I would love to find a new home for)
sand sifting star
choc chip star
2 serpent sea stars
and a few snails ( had more but the darn hermits keep killing em)
lots of empty shells for the hermits
2 mushroom polyps
4 tangs in a 120 is a bit much. id drop the clown and blue hippo just my .02